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Game performance

Aug 25, 2016, 13:0708/25/16

Game performance

Hello I have a question about game performance, and I don't know if the problem on Plarium side or my/flash player/browser side.

Lately I had seen reduced performance in data processed by either your servers or flashplayer. By this I mean game freezing when too many things happens at once. Like if my units return from a trip and I got notification that my daily quest had been completed. The game freezes and I need to quit fullscreen mode and then go back to run the game.

I am just asking because this started happening like 14 days back with one of your updates.

I am using Firefox as browser.
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Aug 26, 2016, 08:2808/26/16

dworka777 said:

Hello I have a question about game performance, and I don't know if the problem on Plarium side or my/flash player/browser side.

Lately I had seen reduced performance in data processed by either your servers or flashplayer. By this I mean game freezing when too many things happens at once. Like if my units return from a trip and I got notification that my daily quest had been completed. The game freezes and I need to quit fullscreen mode and then go back to run the game.

I am just asking because this started happening like 14 days back with one of your updates.

I am using Firefox as browser.

Hi, dworka777!

Please be aware that such issues should be directed to the technical specialists from our Support Team. Unfortunately, we are unable to help you on Forum.

Please follow this link and submit a ticket:

Jul 17, 2018, 11:4107/17/18
Current interface and performance awful on Mac. Only application that has this issue. Are they  still using flash?