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Trained troops queued before start of tournament do not generate league tournament pointsTrained troops queued before start of tournament do not generate league tournament points

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Trained troops queued before start of tournament do not generate league tournament points

Aug 16, 2016, 22:2308/16/16

Trained troops queued before start of tournament do not generate league tournament points

Last weekend there was a league tournament in which points were earned by training troops.  I had quite a few troops queued up to be trained even before the tournament started. There were so many troops queued up to be trained, that the training for the queued troops could not be completed before the end of the tournament.  Hours before the end of the tournament, I added additional troops to the queue.

During the tournament, I noticed that where it showed my own contribution, it consistently said I had contributed '0' points.  At one point during the tournament, I viewed the contributions that were made by the various contributing league members, and my name did not appear in the list of contributors to the league tournament.

When the tournament was over, it said I had contributed 0 points.

However, I had trained hundreds of paladin and nomads during the time of the tournament.

This seems wrong; I diligently trained troops and I feel it should have gone towards the league tournament results.

I am a confirmed permanent member of the league as far as I know. My contributions have been recorded for other types of league tournaments, such as battleground and PvP tournaments, for example.

Should this be considered a bug, or is it the intentional design? If it is intentional, may I submit a change request?

Aug 16, 2016, 23:1708/16/16
Aug 16, 2016, 23:19(edited)

jharrin said:

Last weekend there was a league tournament in which points were earned by training troops.  I had quite a few troops queued up to be trained even before the tournament started. There were so many troops queued up to be trained, that the training for the queued troops could not be completed before the end of the tournament.  Hours before the end of the tournament, I added additional troops to the queue.

During the tournament, I noticed that where it showed my own contribution, it consistently said I had contributed '0' points.  At one point during the tournament, I viewed the contributions that were made by the various contributing league members, and my name did not appear in the list of contributors to the league tournament.

When the tournament was over, it said I had contributed 0 points.

However, I had trained hundreds of paladin and nomads during the time of the tournament.

This seems wrong; I diligently trained troops and I feel it should have gone towards the league tournament results.

I am a confirmed permanent member of the league as far as I know. My contributions have been recorded for other types of league tournaments, such as battleground and PvP tournaments, for example.

Should this be considered a bug, or is it the intentional design? If it is intentional, may I submit a change request?

lord jharrin 

league quests where you have to train troops last for 24 hours 

in that time frame you earn points only when purchasing new troops (no matter how much you have in queue only the newly purchased troops contribute points that is if they are purchased within the 24 hours)

i hope that helped you understand how to earn the points i will be happy to answer any questions

Aug 17, 2016, 04:1908/17/16

Thank you.  I think there may be a complication.  I definitely purchased troops during the 24 hours, but I still did not receive credit from what I could tell. Sometimes it's difficult to be sure what is going on because one might have to reload the game to get the most current changes, but I believe that my contribution showed as 0 even after the tournament was over.

So I did purchase troops during the 24 hours, but still did not receive tournament points. I wondered if possibly the game is coded so that points are awarded only if the troops are purchased during the 24 hours, AND they are trained during the 24-hour period.  Because I had so many troops queued up already, they didn't begin to train during the 24 hours, even though I had purchased them during the 24 hours.

I would be willing to accept that I made a mistake in what I saw due to game refresh issues, but it would be good if we could establish that the *only* criterion is that they are purchased during the 24 hour period.

I could imagine a programmer might reason, "We don't want somebody to purchase 100,000 sapphires and put it all into training troops, and train 20,000 paladin within a 24 hour period to get a zillion points for the league. We only want to give points for troops that are purchased AND trained during the 24-hour period."  And then they tag the specific troops that are purchased and only credit for those troops that are actually trained before the end of the 24-hour period. That would be a logical thing to do, but it doesn't account for the scenario I was in, in which I DID purchase troops during the 24-hour period, and troops were trained continually during the 24-hour period, just different troops.  We can't purchase troops and put them at the start of the queue to getournament points for them, so we get shut out of the tournament by this aspect of the design.   I could suggest an algorithm that would allow proper credit for the tournament to be given in that situation, but I think it is up to the developers to come up with the best algorithm and I am certain they can do it.  What I would like to do is establish exactly what the criterion are,  and see if we can find a way for credit to be given to troops that are purchased during the 24 hours, and whose training could be completed before the end of the 24 hours, assuming there were no troops queued up which were purchased before the onset of the 24-hour period. 

Thank you very much. If this cannot be resolved in the way I think it  might be, I think it is alright.  It does place a penalty on queuing up troops for training, though, and that probably is not intended.  Queuing up troops for training is a pretty integral part of the game.

If you could please check with the developer(s) and determine whether there is the added criterion that the troops training must be completed during the 24-hour period,  and check whether already-queued-up troops prevent the onset of training of newly-purchased troops and thus prevent crediting those troops towards the tournament, I'd appreciate it.

Aug 17, 2016, 04:2908/17/16

I should give a concrete example, because it is a slightly complicated scenario.

Suppose it takes me 5 minutes to train a paladin. That's 12 paladin per hour.  Suppose that I purchase 500 paladin (for training), one hour before the tournament starts.  It's before the tournament is on, so I don't get tournament credit for it. That's OK.  Later  the tournament starts and I become aware of it. Twelve hours after the tournament starts, I purchase  1000 more paladin.  But I can only train 12 paladin per hour, and in the 12 hours remaining to the tournament, I would only be able to train 100 paladin. In 12 hours, I can only train 12 * 12 = 144 paladin. So I should get no credit for (1000 - 144) paladin I purchased half-way through the tournament. But I SHOULD be able to get credit for 144 paladin that I purchased during the tournament, and had sufficient time to train.

That is the result that would seem correct to me, given the criterion that only troops purchased during the tournament can be credited towards the tournament.  That is a different result from purchasing some number of paladin during the tournament, and receiving zero tournament points.

Thank you for your consideration.

Aug 17, 2016, 15:3508/17/16
jharrin said:

Thank you.  I think there may be a complication.  I definitely purchased troops during the 24 hours, but I still did not receive credit from what I could tell. Sometimes it's difficult to be sure what is going on because one might have to reload the game to get the most current changes, but I believe that my contribution showed as 0 even after the tournament was over.

So I did purchase troops during the 24 hours, but still did not receive tournament points. I wondered if possibly the game is coded so that points are awarded only if the troops are purchased during the 24 hours, AND they are trained during the 24-hour period.  Because I had so many troops queued up already, they didn't begin to train during the 24 hours, even though I had purchased them during the 24 hours.

I would be willing to accept that I made a mistake in what I saw due to game refresh issues, but it would be good if we could establish that the *only* criterion is that they are purchased during the 24 hour period.

I could imagine a programmer might reason, "We don't want somebody to purchase 100,000 sapphires and put it all into training troops, and train 20,000 paladin within a 24 hour period to get a zillion points for the league. We only want to give points for troops that are purchased AND trained during the 24-hour period."  And then they tag the specific troops that are purchased and only credit for those troops that are actually trained before the end of the 24-hour period. That would be a logical thing to do, but it doesn't account for the scenario I was in, in which I DID purchase troops during the 24-hour period, and troops were trained continually during the 24-hour period, just different troops.  We can't purchase troops and put them at the start of the queue to getournament points for them, so we get shut out of the tournament by this aspect of the design.   I could suggest an algorithm that would allow proper credit for the tournament to be given in that situation, but I think it is up to the developers to come up with the best algorithm and I am certain they can do it.  What I would like to do is establish exactly what the criterion are,  and see if we can find a way for credit to be given to troops that are purchased during the 24 hours, and whose training could be completed before the end of the 24 hours, assuming there were no troops queued up which were purchased before the onset of the 24-hour period. 

Thank you very much. If this cannot be resolved in the way I think it  might be, I think it is alright.  It does place a penalty on queuing up troops for training, though, and that probably is not intended.  Queuing up troops for training is a pretty integral part of the game.

If you could please check with the developer(s) and determine whether there is the added criterion that the troops training must be completed during the 24-hour period,  and check whether already-queued-up troops prevent the onset of training of newly-purchased troops and thus prevent crediting those troops towards the tournament, I'd appreciate it.

It does not matter how many troops you have queued. The tournament specifaclly states troops whose training is started during the tournament not those who finish training. You can start training on far more troops than can be trained in the period of the tournament, therefore, the rules apply to everyone. Most of the tournaments scheduled are announced in advance. I hope that answers your question.
Aug 18, 2016, 06:0908/18/16

Thank you. It doesn't answer my question, though. The basic question is, why didn't I receive tournament points when I started training the troops while the tournament was running. I can only make conjectures. But that is the question.  Still, as I said, I can accept that possibly the game needed to be refreshed, and if I had done that maybe I would have seen some tournament points credited to me. Except I think I did that. But we can close this for now. If it happens again, I'll continue the discussion.

Thank you very much.

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Aug 18, 2016, 09:2008/18/16
jharrin said:

Thank you. It doesn't answer my question, though. The basic question is, why didn't I receive tournament points when I started training the troops while the tournament was running. I can only make conjectures. But that is the question.  Still, as I said, I can accept that possibly the game needed to be refreshed, and if I had done that maybe I would have seen some tournament points credited to me. Except I think I did that. But we can close this for now. If it happens again, I'll continue the discussion.

Thank you very much.

If you were in a League for at least 7 days, you should have received points. Did they show up after a while?
Sep 3, 2020, 23:5709/03/20

I have the same problem. I am training day and night beasts, occults, cav and inf and every time in league quest “training troops” my contribution is 0. 

Also in this new feature Moon quest, it is a category of training troops; today I have the same amount of points like 3 days before. 

I have opened a ticket, and the answer was... guess what?! To search for an answer on the forum or in FAQ. Seriously?!