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Chat Board Suggestion - Council commentsChat Board Suggestion - Council comments

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Chat Board Suggestion - Council comments

Aug 5, 2016, 15:5308/05/16

Chat Board Suggestion - Council comments

We have two chat boards - The Regional chat which doesn't appear to get used much and for those in a league - the League Chat.

Council comments come in green, blue and red fonts to indicate a certain information area and these comments appear in the League Chat comments area.

I would like to put forward a suggestion of retaining the red fonted Council comments on the league chat board which indicate beacon raids, downgrading etc and the blue and green fonted Council comments be relocated to the Regional Chat board. 

My only exception to this is that some blue font comments are important and maybe they could appear on the league chat if the information applies directly to that specific league?

My reasoning for the suggestion is that our league chat board is very active as probably like many other leagues and every now and again, the Council comments interrupt information which is passed on to fellow league members and as people cannot review old comments once gone, the longer it remains in the open, the less chance of people missing it. 



Aug 5, 2016, 16:2908/05/16
paulwiom said:

We have two chat boards - The Regional chat which doesn't appear to get used much and for those in a league - the League Chat.

Council comments come in green, blue and red fonts to indicate a certain information area and these comments appear in the League Chat comments area.

I would like to put forward a suggestion of retaining the red fonted Council comments on the league chat board which indicate beacon raids, downgrading etc and the blue and green fonted Council comments be relocated to the Regional Chat board. 

My only exception to this is that some blue font comments are important and maybe they could appear on the league chat if the information applies directly to that specific league?

My reasoning for the suggestion is that our league chat board is very active as probably like many other leagues and every now and again, the Council comments interrupt information which is passed on to fellow league members and as people cannot review old comments once gone, the longer it remains in the open, the less chance of people missing it. 



Moving to suggestions.
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Aug 8, 2016, 10:0708/08/16
Please do not create separate topics for your Suggestions. We have a "Your Suggestions" thread for that. Please post your suggestion there so it could be considered.
Jul 31, 2019, 09:2007/31/19


Why you don't create international chat with all servers connected together in one chat. This help many kingdoms find the same language ppl. The standard we have kingdom who ppl don't use to much. The best change kingdom chat for international chat from all kingdoms.