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bugs for months

bugs for months

Nov 25, 2017, 19:5511/25/17

bugs for months

ive been having severe lagging issues. Ive been unable to text my teammates in the game. when I try to send an attack out the game freezes and just to get in the game I have to refresh at least twice. I even went a bought a brand new computer with loads of memory and space because I thought it was that, brand new computer having same issues! really getting upset at this!
DeletedTechnical Support
Nov 26, 2017, 09:0111/26/17

Hello, Lord!

Please check the instructions from this article and inform me if there are any changes in the game performance. 
Nov 27, 2017, 18:2211/27/17

Agent Pavel;

I really think, after going round and round over this with y'all, that it might be far better for YOU to address the lag issues inherent in your architecture. Your system exhibits severe latency issues that are not caused by any network issues, even though you seem to insist that they bad!

You see, there are those of us who actually know better.  We (I) have observed behaviors in your system that can only be explained by serious software issues. And to further complicate things, we (I) also know that these issues should be easy to find (in your source) and fix...IT SHOULDN"T TAKE MORE THAN ONE (1) DEV MORE THAN A COUPLE OF HOURS TO COMPLETE! Yet we are still waiting...after more than a year!

Rather a massive FAIL!  (professionally speaking)

Dec 2, 2017, 16:0112/02/17

Ya know...I was a software professional for more than 45 years, and in that entire time; no software issues were solved by ignoring them.

These issues won't go away simply  by y'all ignoring fact you are likely to loose players.

So...could you please spemd the couple of days or so an fix these issues...that is IF your "not so promising" architecture will allow it. AND, IF for some reason you can't fix it, at least be "big" enough to admit it!!!

Dec 3, 2017, 19:0012/03/17

I agree with what jims has said (several times). The lagging and freezing issues have been around a long time and have gotten worse when new features were added. I have to continually re-load the page, refresh the browser, or reboot, to be able to play. Yet when I do that the problem soon returns. I've checked and rechecked my settings. There is nothing wrong with my equipment, nor my connection (fast).

 jims is right. This looks like a systems architecture problem. What are Plarium's plans for fixing it? 

jims said:

Ya know...I was a software professional for more than 45 years, and in that entire time; no software issues were solved by ignoring them.

These issues won't go away simply  by y'all ignoring fact you are likely to loose players.

So...could you please spemd the couple of days or so an fix these issues...that is IF your "not so promising" architecture will allow it. AND, IF for some reason you can't fix it, at least be "big" enough to admit it!!!