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The game crashes twice a day.

The game crashes twice a day.

Nov 6, 2017, 10:5211/06/17

The game crashes twice a day.

The game has crashed two times a day and this has gone od for two or more weeks, and is getting to the point that it's getting more and more

difficult to play the game. If this is aloud to continue It may get to the point that ho one would be able to play the game. This is a very big problem and it will keep getting more and more bad than it to the point that the game won't be able to be played any more.
Nov 6, 2017, 12:3911/06/17

Hi !

This can happen for many reasons: when it happens from Plarium they are announcing here or in Facebook Community page that the servers will be updated at a specific time. But also this can happen from your network or network provider and I noticed that can also happen when you are making fast operations in the game and the game haven't enough time  to record all the operations - at that time the game will be blocked, then an error message will appear in the right bottom screen ("Blast ...error...etc").

So, what you have to do when this happen - first look on forum or Facebook Community page and see if the servers are updated in that moment and when the game running slowly or you have that error - close the page, delete history and cookies from the browser and enter again (this is good to make it from time to time even you don't have errors).

Best regards and hope my advises will help you!


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