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Incorrect troop fatalities according to numbers  and  strength of units

Incorrect troop fatalities according to numbers and strength of units

Nov 5, 2017, 23:1511/05/17

Incorrect troop fatalities according to numbers and strength of units

Same as the tittle, I sent 100's of Off. units along with a good amount of Legendary units on raid/attack, against a rag-tag selection of Def. units, very low in numbers with NO legendary def. units at all, & suffered VERY severe loss of troops, with a raid failed outcome! very ticked off at this moment!
DeletedTechnical Support
Nov 6, 2017, 09:3711/06/17

Hello, William!

The battle outcome is calculated on the game server and this game feature works as intended. I am afraid I will be unable to discuss the battle results with you. Please refer to this article. It can help you to understand the mechanics better.

Nov 6, 2017, 14:4111/06/17
William. look at the castle, you attacked and hero. there may be hughe castle defense bonus from walls, improvements, hero stats and also may have 50% deff/off boost activated. consider fortress bonus aswell, if defender league has high lvl fortress. all together may add easily 600% defense bonus. maybe more
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