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No Brawl points for Defending against PvP ?

No Brawl points for Defending against PvP ?

Jul 22, 2022, 19:1207/22/22

No Brawl points for Defending against PvP ?

The league we are up against in the Brawl, we are getting attacked and we are defending, but we are not getting Brawl points for defending.  Is this new ??

You only get Brawl points for Attacking now ??

The only player getting Brawl Points for Defending is the player being attacked. If any other league members send DEF the units are killed but do not gain Brawl Points.

This player put DEF into a castle that was raided... only got PvP points ( No Brawl Points )


Then this player was Raided and made Brawl Points for Defending his own castle, but no other members made Brawl Points with their DEF in this castle, only PvP points for the loss.


Aug 4, 2022, 11:5208/04/22

Hello ,

The brawl points are just for the castle attacked , not for all the defenders ...

The defenders receive just pvp in this case but no brawl points , sorry for delay, i missed your post somehow...

Wishing you a good day !

Oct 2, 2022, 01:3910/02/22

Hello ,

The brawl points are just for the castle attacked , not for all the defenders ...

The defenders receive just pvp in this case but no brawl points , sorry for delay, i missed your post somehow...

Wishing you a good day !

That is not what the event says. Points are to be awarded for PvP battles and units destroyed otherwise this is totally biased against the defender. 

I just had a fight where the attacking league gained 1.7 million points and the defending league got 0.  

How is this fair?

Oct 2, 2022, 02:1610/02/22

Das ist wohl ein WITZ !!!!!!!!!

Der Angreifen killt auch meine Einheiten und es heist :

wo steht das dass nur der Angegriffene Punkte erhält? Das ist nicht richtig so! Denn auch der der wo hilft, opfert seine Einheiten beim Duell !!! 

Der wo hilft ist der Belakmayerte. Das geht wegen der Gleichberechtigung nicht.

Das muss geändert werden, es heist Liga-Duell und nicht Einzel-Duel ..............

Wir haben ein   L I G A - D U E L L und das bedeutet Gemeinschaft und somit sollte auch bei Erfolg die Gemeinschaft Punkte erhalten.

Vertehe sonst die Welt nicht mehr !!

Liebe Grüße an die Obrigkeit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ronon Dex

Oct 2, 2022, 08:1610/02/22

That is not what the event says. Points are to be awarded for PvP battles and units destroyed otherwise this is totally biased against the defender. 

I just had a fight where the attacking league gained 1.7 million points and the defending league got 0.  

How is this fair?

For sure you had  a free spot neophyte or else...and an enemy joined in your league , the opponent attacked that , they had brawl points , and you no... a lot league use to do that , if in the opponent league there is a free spot they introduce a their castle for hit it !

Oct 2, 2022, 13:1010/02/22

For sure you had  a free spot neophyte or else...and an enemy joined in your league , the opponent attacked that , they had brawl points , and you no... a lot league use to do that , if in the opponent league there is a free spot they introduce a their castle for hit it !

No. The member who was attacked was a long time player but was inactive.

Oct 2, 2022, 18:3310/02/22

No. The member who was attacked was a long time player but was inactive.

was him inactive for more than 140 days ?