Hi, Sorry, maybe I didn't explained very well. The "BUG", in my opinion, is about the types of units killed, not about the quantity.
The question is, shouldn't Spirit Wardens die FIRST? as you can see from the screenshots, purgators and some chimeras are also dead, even if I have already some Spirtit Wardens alive. Why?
Hi, Sorry, maybe I didn't explained very well. The "BUG", in my opinion, is about the types of units killed, not about the quantity.
The question is, shouldn't Spirit Wardens die FIRST? as you can see from the screenshots, purgators and some chimeras are also dead, even if I have already some Spirtit Wardens alive. Why?
Well...from when the players use that champion for spells ...i noticed that the spell doesn't defeat all the Spirit Wardens for the first ...the spell make victims also in your units
Well...from when the players use that champion for spells ...i noticed that the spell doesn't defeat all the Spirit Wardens for the first ...the spell make victims also in your units
Ok, this is what I meant ... The question is: is it expected? None told us about this "change" ... Also because it isn't an unimportant thing ... now Spirit Wardens are quite useless ... However I would like to know if it is normal, or if it will be corrected in future ... so I can organize me better ...
By the way, nice orange :-)
Basically, a few spirits + some units always die too when your castle gets FB's. The description is just wrong.
Your protection for FB's + raids is composed of your castle defense bonus.
The bonus is only effective working if there are enough millions of strength outside your catacombs.
On your screen i don't see a few million? So your spirits die like paper....
... no matter if someone has a strong skyvoice or not.
You need to put out much more defense + @1st: take look at your bonus. If your castle has almost none, then consider whether you want to build it up. It will be expensive in real $$!
You build up additionally effective protection with the sorcery shield @stoneheart research upgraded on level 20 + correspondingly many beast riders outside the catacombs.
Summa sumarum there are 2 variants:
The cheap one: Just let everything run through + basta.
The expensive one: Being protected to the teeth + smiling at any attacks is a long way in castle defense bonus, research + lots of strength in normal units + stoneheart units. Attacks just bounce off + a few dead spirits don't matter.
The issue I have is: a few times 100 nuke protection and 147% Auger yet my nuke defense does not activate when opponent has a nuke skin on lol, this game has more bugs than a Tijuana Bordello!
P.S. Before Wesley pipes up, and not that I don't appreciate your input, and moderating the forums, this has only happened 3x. All in the past 2 days, and both players with Guardian skins, and both same League.
I realize the new champs augment damage but if they look on my acct there are 3 instances of this in the past 2 days, 2 of which are still in my battle log. I have high level gold Skyvoice on 2 accts and a lvl grade 4 on this one, never have I witnessed them bypassing nuke prevention completely on players I know have developed BR's and high level Augurs.
Hi, I rewrite in this thread because I have an update ...
I received a bomb the other day, I had a sorcery defense champion, it didn't kill me any units (I only had a few purgants out).
Today I get another one ... look at the screen ...
Some thieves and some purgants died.
When the new champions were announced, NOBODY wrote that they would change how the spirits work. If I read the guide, it says that the spirits fight BEFORE the units.
So, I still don't understand why if the mystics MUST die BEFORE the units, why do they dead as any other unit ???