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Speed Boost Not Active During Brawl

Speed Boost Not Active During Brawl

May 1, 2020, 15:2105/01/20

Speed Boost Not Active During Brawl

I am playing through facebook untamed lands. I have never gotten a raid speed boost during the brawl. It take the same amount of time to go to a castle during brawl and any other time. I have attached a screenshot that shows my farm being just 2.5 miles away and it takes me 1:31 to reach it. On the other servers, this takes a minute. One castle 5 miles away takes almost 5 minutes. This shouldn't be like this. can you please find out what the issue is? I am running out of speed boosts to reach these castles. Thanks You
May 1, 2020, 20:0305/01/20

Hello Lord PMAH26, i tested that few times today , on plarium com and also on facebook servers , and from my edge the brawl works fine , included the Unit Movement Speed +200% . Here is an almost similar raid at 2,47 miles ... i make 1min 29 sec

So there is no bug my Lord.

May 1, 2020, 20:1905/01/20
May 1, 2020, 20:20(edited)

Hello PMAH26

If you look at the bottom of your screenshot you will see that the speed of your wyverns is showing as 98.4 mph ... the normal speed for a wyvern is around 40 - 50 (ish) mph depending on rune skulls applied, hero ability level and league fortress knowledge bonus.

What this means is that the speed boost from the event is being applied to your units .. also please remember that there is a minimum travel time to a castle when raiding .. usually 1m 15s on Untamed Lands (this may be diffent on other servers).

MIC999 is right - there is no bug here.