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The number of troops in training queue is incorrect

The number of troops in training queue is incorrect

Mar 24, 2020, 02:0103/24/20

The number of troops in training queue is incorrect

Platform: Plarium app

Server: The Dark Plains

Feature that causes the issue: Troop training number doesn't reflect the amount actually being trained.

The exact steps you performed before the bug arose: None. The number shown for how many troops are being trained in one of my training queues is not the same as the actual amount being trained.

Any special conditions that caused the bug to appear (active events, applied bonuses, etc.): None that I can think of, since it's only one training queue out of a possible ten.

What should have happened: The correct number should be shown.

What actually happened: An incorrect number is shown.


As you can see, it shows that I have 74 troops training, but I very clearly am only training 22 at the moment.  I only noticed when I saw that it said I had a certain amount training and I looked and saw that I had zero.  It fooled me into thinking I still had some training when I didn't.

Mar 24, 2020, 07:4203/24/20

Hello, the rest check in the stoneheart , the weorian units which you are training , and let me know...

Is not a bug , many pleayers don't pay attention at the weorian units which in this tournament were bestiary units ,so they are added in the queue of bestiary !

I wish you a good day and good battles !