Woerian Tournament -glithces-errors
there are some minor Glitches and/or just some mistakes in woerian BGs needing be fixed
glitch #1 boosts not applying after free time to the direct page,u have to close the direct page to boost
2. the most important glitch: the BGs refresh for some players who logged in first or were online at the beginning gettin much more idols to train units...
this needs to be fixed much more than any other..
3. Woerian BGs bonus select Problem : after selecting a bonus ,u could either reselect or even after re-select a bonus or after the reselect was done it did't have a close option for window
4. woerian unit training boost : i don't know if this one is a problem or just an optional design !
the boosts for training units are only possible with time boosts, not possible with sapphires ...
thanks for your time