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Spy going as liberation units?

Spy going as liberation units?

Mar 1, 2020, 18:5403/01/20

Spy going as liberation units?

as I said in topic, sent spies to look at a siege and they ended up going as liberating troops? 200 spies, stunned Champ and about 12 boosts used with a nuke as I've been trying to catch a catting cupcake for over 2 weeks.

You can go look what I spend when I have time to play, the game at least deserves to offer working menus. Liberate is not even an option from map view of the castle. Please let me know when you will 1 fix this from happening, and 2) replace what I just wasted.

Thx Hunter.

Mar 2, 2020, 09:2503/02/20
Mar 2, 2020, 12:03(edited)

Hello Lord Hunter , the '' spy '' and '' liberate '' keys are on 2 opposite sides , i don't understand how you clicked on spy and they go to liberate....there aren't any bugs reported for another similar situation, maybe you clicked the wrong button sir !

Anyway you can ask a check up of your  login data , specify date and time when this happened , and we need too your castle coord, server where you play and if you play on plarium com or via facebook ! Would be welcome also a screenshot of the report battle !

Look here how should be reported a bug :

Waiting your info, i wish you a good game and good battles !

Mar 2, 2020, 10:3003/02/20
Mar 2, 2020, 10:31(edited)

12:42 yesterday, play via Facebook, Dark Plains,-6090; -4909

As for mouse-over click issues, try clicking your Grand Marshall after the game runs for a bit, see how many times your paragon status pops up, it's not uncommon. Even picking up tribute near the page borders or other objects can be just as irritating.

 And yes I know which button is Spy and which is Send Reinforcements,and you are correct they are opposite one another. There is no Liberate Icon outside a castle that I am aware of, you need to be viewing that castle for that particular command on the R side menu or by clicking the Seiged keep AFAIK.

Thx Hunter.

Mar 2, 2020, 12:0903/02/20

Ok Lord Hunter, request for check up forwarded to the technical team !

Wishing you a good day and good game !
Mar 2, 2020, 15:4203/02/20

Thank you very much!

Mar 5, 2020, 10:5703/05/20

Hello Lord Hunter , the technical team checked your castle, but  the database show actions which are chosen by the user, action cannot be changed during the processing , and they didn't found any error that , i'm sorry , but there can't be do nothing my Lord !

I wish you best regards and good battles !