cheatting siege left glitch or cheat

thats not what happen look at what he sieged me with i post the battle report . my troops went to his castle in stead of hitting troops sigeing my castle thats a bugif they dont fined out what happened and fixs it i will quite the game i buy 50.00 monthly on game and for some thing like this to happen it mest up they need to reveiw the battle reports and fixs this shit this the falt of a bug there was no defense on my castle siege only the offices i went to left the siege and my unite attack't his castle some how this FUCKET UP . I WILL QUITE IF THIS IS NOT FIX'T AND I DONT GET MY LEAGONDARYS BACK FROM BUG AT LEST I WILL QUITE I OWN BETTER GAMES THEN THIS ON MY STREAM ACCOUNT AND XBOX one live account i like games like this as you can see but ill quite the game if its bugy and game wont fixs it or if they make changes to it just becose of conplains i like games bace off real live and what happens with siege is not bace off real life sieges and how they work its like evony free for ever the game i quite in 2013 do to they made it were to left sieges on a castle you had to wipe out the castle siegeing you thats made up and not real life at all cheatting is my book show i quite and joined this game do to it did not have that what happen is like how evony free for ever had there set up i tryed to left siege and my troops hit the castle and not the troops siegeing my castle . im going to quite if they made it like that crapy game .
i wont play game not bace off real life like the sieges and raids and stuff by what happen some thing must be wrong with siege program or they changed it like evony free for ever . im done playing games like that i hate playing games like that most changes now days are do to french conplaining do to they dont have the time or no skill and want to cheat and us bots or mods they were banned from xbox live tornments do in call of durty 8 years ago and halo do to they sued aim bots and other mods in xbox 360 live tornments i dont like using that stuff i like doing it my self and not cheatting there no point if you us that in a game and if you conplain to make changes to a game and make it differint like on sieges or other core programs then game is worth less then i quite ark and call of duty and other games do to this fact i wont play crapy games .
ether the game changed it siege program in the last few 2 years or the siege program is bugy or an error happened i left it siege 5 minates after it was on my castle and there was only 27 unites on it and all my troops die side they went to his castle in battle report ween i tryed to liberat my castle and left siege . thats how evony 2 had there set up i quite that game in 2013 and start playing this do to that is how there sieges worket it was unfare and crapy and the french clans were using ai bots on there just like there doing now in this game on facebook some people are using ai neat bots i know do to im menber of neat bot i us it for making mods for my games on stream . there a new page and neat bot is eing used on strom fall age of war and others game own by you all neat bot is menbers only thing im not using it for the bots thought just making mods for games i own and that allow it .
using a ai bot to control your castle ween your no online or home is just wrong and should not be allowed its cheatting in most games as well most games on xbox one live or microsoft live . they dont allow it or support it as well as face book but they side there just 3thed party that the game team here would have to deal with it im from unite states i cant us ai bots or any bots or ill be put in jail for life its 25 years to life for using one in unite states there not allowed at all .Hello, Good sir
I cannot read your Pics, They are to scattered to gather the required information, as for the response from RENE from Veritas Dragons, This also looks doctored. as the pictures above. I would suggest that when you are asking for compensation from the game, and support, you post a clear and full picture, not one that was Photoshopped and crop over.
George hit your castle with the offense you see, and sieged your castle with defense while the troops were there, then he removed his offense from your castle. That is why you feel that you hit him instead of the troops stationed in the besiege. You are not given the defensive report of the troops besieging your castle. The would defeat the purpose of sieging your castle. And that is what Spying on the siege if for.
This is all Correct. You were besieged by minimal offense, George than sent backup defense to join his siege, Via the stronghold. You attempted to hit the siege on your castle, (failing) not at his castle, per your suggestion as your own report would show. Losing your offense to his siege. and not breaking his siege of your castle.
This boils down to, you lost your offense, so you are now, upset, and want it back. (free) the troops lost in your castle are not defending anything, thus you do not get free revival rate, from this encounter.
You will have to accept the losses and move on. That is the name of the game, you were outwitted by someone with more dedication and know how. Happens to the best of us.
My Suggestion is to ~ MOVE ON ~
Respectfully, Sir. Build, and play your other games for now, everyone comes back from it, all it takes is time. Starr liam if you are going to use my name in your letter you might want to send the correct picture and not try and pawn your other pic of you looseing troops as you could not break your base free. As for your pic showing your alt break free he was on line at the time and pulled his d back as you had already lost all your o and there was no longer any need to hold your base . And your comment saying you can not hit other bases well being sieged is not correct i have played this game many years and when i have been sieged i can raid collect pvp and play the game just fine. So it looks to me more like you are the one trying to get away with cheating your asking for you troops back but you did not even post the correct picture when saying the game owes you something back What you are doing is slander and is also against the law you are claiming someone else that did not do anything wrong is responible for you not understanding the game Above is the real screen shot of the real troops you claim you lost but we all know you are full of it :)
this one battle report went wrong its cheating or glitch or bug ether if it works like it did in 2013 were you brack thought the unites on your castle only to left it then this report is a lie and some thing went wrong there was only 27 unites siegeing my castle ween i older brack thought the siege i scout it with my alt account liam alt starr game side im allowed up to two accounts in game in rules .
To be clear,
There is no way to cheat in this game, there is no way to Add code to this game, a glitch can be possible, But so is not paying attention.
Once more, I have had this happen, by fault of my own. When attempting to break a siege on myself, I accidently clicked to send to the attacker and not the siege. But I did not ask for troops back, I retraced my steps and found that I was in error. and decided to pay more attention to myself and my clicks in the future. Support can spend an hour going through your account and let you know exactly what you did, As this is not a bug issue, my advice would be to contact Plarium support VS posting here.
As support can show you, your exact clicks and how you sent what you sent.
If this is about selection of troops. with the integrated new system for box X and taking off troops and putting troops into play, That is a glitch that I am familiar with. That glitch, (only when playing champs) On hitting Undead, and on return. this glitch can and will select and unselect troops being sent to places. There is a glitch and bug, in the troop sending screen (when processing champs) so the next question is, were you running champs, and if so, again, report this error to Support. They will be the ones to track your gameplay by individual clicks and keystrokes.
Hello Lord Darkmenece, is visible from your screenshots that you failled to break the seige , there is no bug like the moderator BIOHAZARD said already ! I understand your frustration , but if you will verify again the reports you will notice that !
So i wil close your topic !
I wish you good game and good battles !