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My league own a beacon but not recognised by my account.

My league own a beacon but not recognised by my account.

Dec 30, 2019, 18:4112/30/19

My league own a beacon but not recognised by my account.

I play on server 1 my castle is located at -4069, 5896 I am part of legion of Dragons. Our league own beacon 2597 yet when I am on game it says Balur owns it. In the embassy I see our other beacons but can't see 2597. I think I am the only player in our league that this is happening to. I have already cleared my browseing cache three times and it dosn't make any difference.
Dec 30, 2019, 23:2112/30/19

Davy said:

I play on server 1 my castle is located at -4069, 5896 I am part of legion of Dragons. Our league own beacon 2597 yet when I am on game it says Balur owns it. In the embassy I see our other beacons but can't see 2597. I think I am the only player in our league that this is happening to. I have already cleared my browseing cache three times and it dosn't make any difference.

Hello Lord Davy , i see that beacon lvl 1 is in your league in this moment !

Can be that sometime drop to balur , maybe there aren't defense inside so balur capture it , and after your league conquer again! 

 If the beacon is still in your league add a screenshot from embassy,beacons section...

Make a double check with your league members !

I wish you good game and good battles !

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