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A non-existent message ....

A non-existent message ....

Dec 20, 2019, 21:0412/20/19

A non-existent message ....

Hi, I've been having this bug for a week now, so since I haven't seen any improvements, I thought I'd post it here. My problem is that I have a message that doesn't really exist. The problem is not chrome, because I usually play from the app. Only occasionally from chrome. I have the problem both from chrome and from the app. Here are the screenshots:

thanks in advance for your attention.

Dec 24, 2019, 08:4712/24/19

Hello Lord DEDE , 

does the situation persist also after a refresh ? 
If is a continue situation , than you have to forward us also the coord , server and platform where you playand have the bug , in that way we can forward a request to the technical agents !

Thank you for your patience, wish you good game and good battles , and of course Happy Holidays !
Dec 24, 2019, 09:0012/24/19

hello, obviously yes. As I said, it's been over 2 weeks now! I also tried to clear the cache, however the problem is both on chrome, both on the app, and on puffin (sometimes I play from Android, so I use puffin, but here too there is that problem). The coordinates, servers etc. can I send them to you in private message? I'd rather not make them public. thanks for a quick reply and I wish you a Merry Christmas.

Jan 14, 2020, 10:4301/14/20

Dede said:

hello, obviously yes. As I said, it's been over 2 weeks now! I also tried to clear the cache, however the problem is both on chrome, both on the app, and on puffin (sometimes I play from Android, so I use puffin, but here too there is that problem). The coordinates, servers etc. can I send them to you in private message? I'd rather not make them public. thanks for a quick reply and I wish you a Merry Christmas.


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