Carrying capacity
In the Obelisk of power, the carrying capacity of Thief is at level 44 ( +13.5 % ). When I look at the informations of Thief, I have :
- Offense : 214.4 ( 100 + 141.4 % )
- Infantry, Cavalry, Occul units, Bestiary units Defense, : 239.3 ( 100 + 139.3 % )
- Carrying capacity 2913.8
I've lauched a raid using 25 thieves and the result is 50K. Can someone tell me why I don't have 72 845 ( 2913.8 * 25 ) ? In another raid, I've used 25 thieves and 1 Cavalier ( Raid Resource Yield + 2.5 % ). Result : seized 50 K + 1460 ( bonus Resources ).
Where is the problem ?
Best regards