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food production bug

food production bug

Aug 11, 2019, 02:2208/11/19

food production bug

I have negative food production. when I do anything that brings me to a postive amount of food I'm unable to use all of it. The game will disallow me using food below about 300 pieces even though I should be able to create a pikeman/archer or 3 with that amount. Also, when I put a 50% food reduction and a 25% food increase with dragon boost and lvl 14 Paragon, I'm creating food at about 30818/hour. For some reason I get to about 2100 pieces and it drops back down to 85 or so. This is continuously occuring even though I should be able to fill my barns.
Aug 11, 2019, 15:2608/11/19

Crowley said:

I have negative food production. when I do anything that brings me to a postive amount of food I'm unable to use all of it. The game will disallow me using food below about 300 pieces even though I should be able to create a pikeman/archer or 3 with that amount. Also, when I put a 50% food reduction and a 25% food increase with dragon boost and lvl 14 Paragon, I'm creating food at about 30818/hour. For some reason I get to about 2100 pieces and it drops back down to 85 or so. This is continuously occuring even though I should be able to fill my barns.

Hello Crowley,

Please follow the instructions from this article and inform me if the issue is resolved.

Aug 11, 2019, 16:1708/11/19

This is occuring with a postive food production value. I'm trying to create a pikeman. I've reset my browser. Seems to me theres a problem houston.

Aug 12, 2019, 07:3308/12/19

Crowley said:

This is occuring with a postive food production value. I'm trying to create a pikeman. I've reset my browser. Seems to me theres a problem houston.

Roger that, Apollo.

It seems that the game shows an incorrect positive production from time to time, even though it should be negative since there's no option to train the troops. According to the server data, gross production should work fine.

Let me forward your report to our developers for further investigation.