Hello ROMIR , i understand you didn't received what you should to receive .
Please read the file how to create a bug file , and make your report following the esample from the link , in that way we can funderstand more and if is the case to pass it at the techincal support ! thank you for your patience !
ok you're right
I play on Fbook
issue happened on server 1 and 2 at different times
issue regards collection of tournament rewards , specifically on tournaments where a multiplier is applied and in my case not granted
no specific instances where noticed
instead of multiplying by x 2 or 2.2 i got the rewards without any multiplier as can be seen by the pics attached
Have you been a member of the league for at least 7 days? If not you will only receive your individual rewards and not the league multiplier ones. (It should show that in the tournament screen though)and this is the third time I dont get the multiplier when i collect rewards
what is going on ??
of course!!
server 1 from the beginning
server 2 for last 2 years
besides cant you find that out by yourselves?
looks to me that its just about wasting my time which is pretty disgusting , i can survive with being cheated but its bothering that :
a) you dont start with apologies
b) just fix the problem
c) a "thank you" would be appropriate as well