Hello, please contact directly the support at the link below, select category Loading / running issue , forward all the details and ask them to check
I wish you a good day !
Yes, every day I get someone in e-mail until 2 days ago. PP files and computer files sent, 4 updates for every one but still white screen.
I feel they should fix this but bought a new computer. 3 weeks of issues, 10 days of lost goodies. I hope they fix it for everyone. Computer fixes it for me.
Yes, every day I get someone in e-mail until 2 days ago. PP files and computer files sent, 4 updates for every one but still white screen.
I feel they should fix this but bought a new computer. 3 weeks of issues, 10 days of lost goodies. I hope they fix it for everyone. Computer fixes it for me.
I repet, (i said it many times ) in such case just the Support can help , for that is important to forward them all the details , and explain very well the situation , and follow their instructions step by step !
Anyway , glad for that you solved !
I wish you a nice day !