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Dec 30, 2022, 06:1712/30/22


After almost 7 day’s the Battle grounds on Server 3 - Farwol’s Crown are still not working right.


We’re not getting the correct number of Bg’s after reset, The next highest BG is not climbing, How can I have a quest on a castle to destroy a level 114 Battle ground. But have only have a BG high of 109 for 7 days ? Applying the Battleground hunt doesn’t work as it should giving you 10 of each battlegrounds nor the next highest. New player’s are joining and are not getting any BG’s. THE GAME IS BROKEN !!! 

Don't even get me started on the Champ issue's !!

Does no-one at Plarium play their game’s ? Do they not understand what’s not working ? Is everyone on a 10 day holiday ? Were changes made and we’re just suppose to figure it out ? A little communication is needed here. People should be working around the clock to fix their substandard work.  

Everyone is complaining in league chat about the game not working, but I don’t see a lot of people here on the Forum doing so. Is that maybe because Plarium is now like that drunk uncle at holiday gathering’s, People have just came to expect constant foul up’s from Plarium. When people complain and no one listens the next step is to walk away, Enough people walk away, you no longer have a job, take some responsibility.  

Jan 4, 2023, 12:0601/04/23

Please be advised that this issue was fixed by the dev team. We hope everything is fine now.

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