Jules said:
Not the same targets - as I said they were good to go - BUT YES - I already did the 10 raids -
New day changeover - They raided JUST FINE !!!
10 a day - that is the limit - TRUE THAT !!!
WOWSA - Cool Beans - CHEERS !!!
You should still get a warning popup, so something is broken
Maybe you were given extra raids (flag tournaments?) and this confused the popups?
If it shows raids are available we should never get zero resources, and new raids are added every 2.5 hours
"Never Mind - I think I did my ten raids for the day - even though it shows raids available those would be over
my daily limit..."
and this popup frequently fails to appear too https://prnt.sc/nb04os
even after the 7 day limit we can still get zero resources with no popups
Yet we get unwanted popups every time we recall units from our catacombs https://prnt.sc/nb09f3
Too many popups in this game, but never the ones we actually need