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Can't buy epic summoning bond

Can't buy epic summoning bond

Mar 21, 2019, 03:2203/21/19

Can't buy epic summoning bond

server dark plains

When i click on the the button to purchase an epic summoning bond nothing happens, i have enough emeralds for one

have logged in logged out and refreshed page but it did not help

Mar 28, 2019, 02:3203/28/19

1 week later

no reply

still no bond
Mar 28, 2019, 12:3303/28/19

what message does game give you when you try the purchase ?

Mar 28, 2019, 12:4503/28/19
Gorecki said:

server dark plains

When i click on the the button to purchase an epic summoning bond nothing happens, i have enough emeralds for one

have logged in logged out and refreshed page but it did not help

Hi, Lord! Could you please tell me if you have any free slots for a new Champion in the Champions tab of your Champions window?
Mar 28, 2019, 13:4503/28/19

Not sure why you are asking about " free slots for a new Champion " ?

To buy and Epic Summoning Bond you " do not " need a free slot     until you open the Bond

Mar 29, 2019, 01:4403/29/19
Mar 29, 2019, 01:45(edited)


Wesley : it gave no message, nothing happened at all when i clicked the button.

Boris : i had no free slots, i made room and now i was able to purchase a bond!!

Jelly Baby: I also thought you would not a free slot to purchase a bond

Thanks for replying!

I would like to know if it is working as intended : do we always need to have an open slot now to buy a bond?

It's easy enough to work around it now that i know it 
Mar 29, 2019, 01:5203/29/19

I'm glad you got it going again Gorecki !!


Great Work Boris :)

Mar 29, 2019, 14:5203/29/19
Mar 29, 2019, 15:10(edited)

Boris Shevchenko said:

Gorecki said:

server dark plains

When i click on the the button to purchase an epic summoning bond nothing happens, i have enough emeralds for one

have logged in logged out and refreshed page but it did not help

Hi, Lord! Could you please tell me if you have any free slots for a new Champion in the Champions tab of your Champions window?

If the 'new' requirement is that we should have a free slot, then the Purchase button must be greyed-out if we do not have free slots available.
However, there can never be any sensible reason for this requirement.
I am quite certain that I have bought basic bonds even when I had 70 of 70 champions. We can stockpile 100 basic bonds even when all slots are filled with champions and geists, so why are we prevented from buying them for emeralds .... I will bet that we are always allowed to buy them for real money.
Dual standards again?

There is never any logic in this game, which is a major cause of confusion, anger and 'false' bug reports

Mar 30, 2019, 00:0403/30/19
Mar 30, 2019, 00:13(edited)
Hi there everyone, if you dont have enough champion slots opened up this can cause this but also if you reach 100 summoning bonds in the type of bond you are buying you will not receive it untill you free up those slots by opening up bonds, this has always been the way with champions and you can easy check what you have by going to items 
Mar 31, 2019, 17:1603/31/19

Christine your comment has freed my mind to open up and speak freely honestly about this....

30 March, 2019, 12:04 AM UTC

Hi there everyone, if you dont have enough champion slots opened up this can cause this but also if you reach 100 summoning bonds in the type of bond you are buying you will not receive it untill you free up those slots by opening up bonds, this has always been the way with champions and you can easy check what you have by going to items 


So just to be clear in this...  Christine what I am hearing you say is this:

you said:    "if you reach 100 summoning bonds in the TYPE of bond you are BUYING"

1.  So, if you have 100 Basic summoning bonds in your items + all slots have a Champion in them...   then you can not get anymore "Basic" or "Epic" Summoning Bonds dropped by doing either the group or solo hunts, and no bonds will drop if you are just killing the undead by yourself, and you can not "BUY" any "Basic" or "Epic" Summoning Bonds

(so this means that if you have 100 Basic bonds or a COMBINATION of Basic and Epic bonds in your items that add up to 100, then you can not buy anymore "Basic" or "Epic" Bonds without freeing up a group of slots)


2. you have to "BUY" to free up slots (purchase with Emeralds) to get 10 more spaces, and once the spaces open, then you can "BUY" more Basic Summoning Bonds

(so if you fill up your slots + you have a total of 100 Basic / Epic bonds in your items, then you have to spend Emerlads to open  more slots to get more bonds) 

 = this sounds like it means there is a point where you have to "PAY"   2x   to get more bonds,   first to open more slots (emeralds based on what set of 10 slots you are opening,    i.e to get from 80 slots to 90 slots, those 10 slots cost 150 emeralds)    and second to buy bonds (10 or 200 emeralds) 

3. "It has always been this way"

(I pretty sure I never read anything about if you have all slots full and you have a combination of 100 bonds in your items then you can not get anymore unless you open more slots)

under the blue " i " on Champions and doing a ( ? ) "guide"  search for the word "bonds" gives me these...

If I can "buy" or "aquire"  and "hold" 1000's of crystal coffers that I want

"buy" or "aquire" and "hold" as many of any scroll that I want

"buy" or aquire"  and "hold" any number of specific troops (even if I don't have the food to feed them) that I want

"buy" or "aquire" and "hold" as many boosts that I want

Why put a limit...   in your own words:  "if you reach 100 summoning bonds in the type of bond you are buying you will not receive it untill you free up those slots by opening up bonds"  ... on these bonds, and make us "PAY"  twice  for it ?


I think that there are many 100,00's of members of this game across all severs...

Who are smart enough to see how Plarium tweaks the games to make it unfair to the 100,000's of members that do not have the 1,000,000's to pay... 

But if there are a few 10's or 100's that spend large amounts to have the biggest and strongest... 

Then is it possible that Plarium is allowing certain types of players to this determine where this game is headed ?

Player's that control, bully, and have free range to do what ever they want in the game with no regards to...    "fair and balanced" play that Plarium, Community Managers, and Moderators always use as their "go to" philosophy ?

Apr 2, 2019, 15:1004/02/19
Why has there been no reply from Plarium to this thread ?
Apr 2, 2019, 15:3804/02/19
Apr 2, 2019, 15:48(edited)

102 Basic Bonds safely stored (this will not affect drops for Epic or Holy, but we never see them anyway lol)

New Bonds are added to the inventory even if we already have 100+

but why do these stupid rules exist?

Why do Plarium always try to micro-manage every aspect of this dumb game?

No doubt they will now try to SELL us extra storage?

Apr 2, 2019, 15:3804/02/19
meanwhile at plarium.... heavy discussions about game balance....
Apr 2, 2019, 23:5004/02/19
as Posters question has been answered it is feature of the game  and not a bug this topic closed
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