Hero Item - Game LAG, ended up selling wrong one
The platform you play on: Facebook
The server where you play: S2-Untamed Lands
The feature that causes the issue: Hero Item - Game Lag
The exact steps you performed before the bug arose: Selling hero items
Any special conditions that caused the bug to appear: none
What should have happened: Should of sold a different item
What actually happened: Game froze after one item finished selling. I clicked to sell another one, nothing happened, did it again, nothing happened... I refreshed the game and noticed that another item than the one I selected was being sold. Just find the time to post this, the item that is being sold for more than a day as it is a mythical class IV is the one in the pic, I meant to sell the one next to it on the right as i had 2. I do not know if it is an actual bug, but I did not find something similar to refer to on the forum. Thank you!