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Hero Item - Game LAG, ended up selling wrong one

Hero Item - Game LAG, ended up selling wrong one

Feb 14, 2019, 23:4502/14/19

Hero Item - Game LAG, ended up selling wrong one

The platform you play on: Facebook

The server where you play: S2-Untamed Lands

The feature that causes the issue: Hero Item - Game Lag

The exact steps you performed before the bug arose: Selling hero items

Any special conditions that caused the bug to appear: none

What should have happened: Should of sold a different item

What actually happened: Game froze after one item finished selling. I clicked to sell another one, nothing happened, did it again, nothing happened... I refreshed the game and noticed that another item than the one I selected was being sold. Just find the time to post this, the item that is being sold for more than a day as it is a mythical class IV is the one in the pic, I meant to sell the one next to it on the right as i had 2. I do not know if it is an actual bug, but I did not find something similar to refer to on the forum. Thank you!

Feb 15, 2019, 00:3502/15/19
Hi there Lord Mariusbadu, I have passed this 1 to the tech team for you
Feb 17, 2019, 22:0502/17/19
Is there an update on this?
Feb 18, 2019, 04:2602/18/19
mariusbadiu said:

Is there an update on this?
Unfortunately, plarium usually can't do anything in these cases, since lag is usually caused by the user's connection and not an issue on plarium's servers. 
Feb 20, 2019, 22:1002/20/19

BiohazarD said:

mariusbadiu said:

Is there an update on this?
Unfortunately, plarium usually can't do anything in these cases, since lag is usually caused by the user's connection and not an issue on plarium's servers. 

user connection...

how ca u prove that plarium servers are ok an my fiberlink is not???

Feb 20, 2019, 23:3202/20/19

Of course Plarium Servers are OK, EVEN WHEN THEY CRASH FOR HOURS. If my connection was bad, explain to me how come all other internet related processes DID NOT crash or had LAG... Youtube, Skype, Team Viewer, Live Radio Streams, Anti Virus etc. ??? If you will say BUFFER for Youtube or Radio, I will say what about Skype or Team Viewer and all other programs that notify me instantly when my internet connection is lost or malfunctioning ? To be honest, this is not the first time LAG  or crashes happened to me on StormFall , but not in all cases damage is done... And keep in mind I DO clear cache often, so please DO NOT DARE give me that, clear cache, do push-ups while your at it, bla, bla line! I KNOW there is a financial interest for Plarium in this game and I am ok with that as there is work to be done  and people to be paid, but that DOES NOT give you the right to have a support  system that almost every time blames the user first... Humor me, is there a statistic on how many people stopped playing because of the COINER oriented policy and "NOT OUR FAULT" from Plarium... Well, i guess it does not matter... As long the coiners are there it is ok, and when they stop paying you will just kill the game all together as it will not be productive any more... DO AS YOU WISH, I am tired of this... Have a good, whatever!

BiohazarD said:

mariusbadiu said:

Is there an update on this?
Unfortunately, plarium usually can't do anything in these cases, since lag is usually caused by the user's connection and not an issue on plarium's servers. 

DeletedTechnical Support
Feb 21, 2019, 15:3502/21/19


I understand that you are upset and did not want to lose the item that way. However, BiohazarD is right, I am unable to return it. 

According to our data, there were no technical issues with the server on the 13th-14th of February.

Also, there is no bug that could cause such an issue.

I hope for your understanding. 

Feb 21, 2019, 23:0102/21/19

As I said, does not matter anymore... I am tired of bringing arguments to those who cannot listen... There was a bug that displayed hero items after they have been sold but it was fixed right? Why can't you take into consideration that maybe the game did not refresh the slot after I sold that first item? And I did post a pic that proves I had that item but it's hard to adjust so that the item I intended to sell disappear and the other reappear right?. I am done arguing, just close the topic and leave it be... upset... me and all the other players for whom you have no ears to hear and no eyes to see... One day this game will end, for some sooner and for others later... Best regards!

Agent Helga said:


I understand that you are upset and did not want to lose the item that way. However, BiohazarD is right, I am unable to return it. 

According to our data, there were no technical issues with the server on the 13th-14th of February.

Also, there is no bug that could cause such an issue.

I hope for your understanding.