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Problems with Fortress Upgrades- nasty glitch

Problems with Fortress Upgrades- nasty glitch

Jan 27, 2019, 03:4001/27/19

Problems with Fortress Upgrades- nasty glitch

Fortress upgrade Bug

I have no idea what is going on but we have not been able to raise from level 6 to level 7after downgrading another fortress.  We actually downgraded both a level 6 and a level 7 fortress tonight and the requirement remained red/unfilled after both hits.  We were sucessfully at level 6 when both hits were completed.

The exact same circumstance, but only one successful downgrade completed by the league we were working with to meet these requirements

What is the problem and what are you going to do to solve it.  My people spen sapphires purchased from you to make this happen

Baron Von Tollbooth

Agent HelgaTechnical Support
Jan 27, 2019, 16:4501/27/19
Jan 27, 2019, 16:48(edited)

Thank you for the details!

I have reported this issue to our developers for further investigation. In case they confirm a bug, it will be handled within one of the upcoming sprints. Thank you for your cooperation!

By the way, please note that you have to downgrade an enemy fortress when this requirement is shown in your account.  

For example, the downgrade will not be counted if your Fortress was downgraded just before you downgraded the Fortress of your enemy.

Jan 27, 2019, 17:0401/27/19

Agent Helga,

Thank you for acknowledging my post, at least.  When can we expect some action?

The requirements were met -in the proper sequence - twice in my fortress and once in Wild Stallions.  

3 downgrades of other castles, twice level 6 and the third a level 7, while we stand at level 6.

I provided three screenshots and we can show more-  Each of them is time-stamped. 

We planned carefully and executed wisely, and in the proper sequence, yet we remain stuck at level 6 with the clock ticking on the downward protection.  Are we supposed to invest more sapphires yet once again into a broken system?

That is our current status

Baron Von Tollbooth

Jan 27, 2019, 17:2501/27/19

and I have taken down another level 6 Fortress just now and our statues remains the same.

The progression can be seen from time stamps and the change in the downgrade protection on the screen shot of our Fortress.

So what is Plarium prepared to do about this?

Baron Von Tollbooth 
Agent HelgaTechnical Support
Jan 28, 2019, 13:4201/28/19
Jan 28, 2019, 13:42(edited)

I understand that this issue is very important.

Our developers are working on fixing this. Hopefully, it will be fixed very soon.

Jan 28, 2019, 17:1801/28/19

Hello Plarium, I feel been stolen because I had to use sapphires (4800) to bring our fort back to level 16. We had a joint agreement with a rival team to together cheer our fort. We first brought down their fortress but it was not recognized and did not receive a report, therefore we could not bring our fort to level 17, because in the fort was still given to first bring down a fort level 16 or higher. As agreed I had to let our fort down by them, now we have to do 2 extra upgrades and I have uselessly spent 4800 sapphires to bring our fort back to level 16.

Jan 28, 2019, 19:5301/28/19

I was the counterparty in the original bug complaint placed here.  Though my Marshall already filed a report in other thread, it was suggested that proof in the form of screenshots can only help to solve this problem.  Here is my original hit taking down the other League's fortress, after we up graded to level 6.

I wish I had taken a shot of our Fort at the time, but we were kind of busy trying to make this thing work.

We also spent a pocketful of sapphires to up-grade our Fortress and now sit a level 5 again after the system failed to recognize our achievement.  We are not happy and also feel as though we were deprived of expensive assets- bad kharma!  

Very Frustrated,


Captain Wild Stallions

Jan 29, 2019, 01:1501/29/19
Because of this bug our league has lost at least 5 level 10 downgrades. Im all good if plarium fixes the issue but I want our 5 downgrades back as our league is looking to achieve the 250 forteresse downgrade achievement we are at 207 but we should be atleast at 212. I have opened a ticket the # is 527273 which contains all screenshots. 
Jan 30, 2019, 04:5701/30/19
Jan 30, 2019, 04:58(edited)

Are developpers on leave?

We still have no answers!

it is quite complicated for us to hold 5 beacons to be able to upgrade our fort to 20.

Meanwhile the situation and strategy is evoluting on the server!

Please hurry.

Thx for understanding.

Jan 30, 2019, 08:2801/30/19

Come on Devs. give us some solution out at least an answer to our questions, we are waiting to go on with the game.

wake up, greetings
Jan 30, 2019, 16:4001/30/19

I believe that Plarium has an implied obligation to get this right, but they do not have a contractual obligation to us.  Still, we are their customer/clients.  Letting us stew in disappointment after spending resources that we purchased from them for the express purpose of executing a defined strategy, that was defeated by faulty programming, is bad for business. 

Their silence on this matter speaks volumes to me and it is not good.

My patience is wearing very thin.  There are literally thousands of other options to occupy our time and our money.  We DO deserve better

Call me disillusioned

Baron Von Tollbooth

Feb 2, 2019, 12:4202/02/19

hi all, Thanks a lot to Devs: ws could upgrade our fort this morning.

Great job and thx, thx so much.

Have a nice day.
Feb 2, 2019, 12:4702/02/19
yeye_974 said:

hi all, Thanks a lot to Devs: ws could upgrade our fort this morning.

Great job and thx, thx so much.

Have a nice day.
That is great news Yeye_974 !!! 
Agent HelgaTechnical Support
Feb 3, 2019, 14:1002/03/19

Hello! I apologize for the late reply. 

The error has been fixed. If you could not upgrade Fortress due to the bug, the requirement was automatically marked as completed.

I am sorry for the temporary inconvenience. 

Feb 4, 2019, 03:4402/04/19

and the sapphires lost by players upgrading withoutresult

Lost as well, right?  No plans from Plarium to try and make this right?