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1 hour and 4 hour Champion Experience Boosts will not activate

1 hour and 4 hour Champion Experience Boosts will not activate

Jan 26, 2019, 16:0601/26/19

1 hour and 4 hour Champion Experience Boosts will not activate

it has been 2 days and I have tried from different computers.
Jan 27, 2019, 17:1101/27/19



Feature: 1 and 4 hour Champion experience boosters

Steps before bug: None, it was an achievement award for the Champion experience tourney that just finished.

Special conditions: Champion Tourney award

What should have happened: I click of the green 1 hour %100 experience boost and it activates

What happened: Nothing, will not activate . 4 hour will not activate either. The champion bonds awarded worked fine.

Jan 28, 2019, 00:1001/28/19
Jan 28, 2019, 00:10(edited)

I have forwarded your issue to support

Agent HelgaTechnical Support
Jan 28, 2019, 14:0801/28/19


I have checked it in the game and I see that the item applies properly. 

Does the item disappear after you click on the button or the button is unclickable?

Jan 28, 2019, 19:0601/28/19
Under Champion Experience Boosts I have 3 X 1 hour and 2 X 4 hour boosts I won from the solo champion tourney. If I try activating the 1 hour by clicking on the green "apply" button, nothing happens, it should go from 3 to 2 .
Jan 29, 2019, 00:4301/29/19
I am having this same bug.  Just occurred starting today, 1/28
Jan 29, 2019, 00:4501/29/19
I have 14 1-hour and 10 4-hour boosts.  When you click the green apply button, nothing happens.  The boost has not been applied and the number of boosts on the left has not been decreased by 1 as it should.  The purchase button above it works!  I spent 10 emeralds buying a 1-hour boost just to see if that button worked.  Yep, worked fine.  It added a boost (I had 13, now I have 14).  Clicking the apply button does nothing.
Jan 29, 2019, 00:4801/29/19


Server: The Dark Plains

Feature: 1 and 4 hour Champion experience boosters

Steps before bug: None, it was an achievement award for the Champion experience tourney that just finished and mar'eth quest rewards.

Special conditions: None.

What should have happened: I click the apply button for champion XP boost and receive the boost.

What happened: Nothing, it will not activate.  Neither the 1-hour or 4-hour apply buttons activate the boost.

Jan 29, 2019, 14:4201/29/19
My bug is fixed, thanks Helga or the appropriate tech for such a fast response. Much appreciated! Have a great day!
Agent HelgaTechnical Support
Jan 29, 2019, 15:5701/29/19

Thank you for the details. Unfortunately, I still could not reproduce the issue.

Please specify the browser you use and the version of it. 

Jan 31, 2019, 01:2201/31/19

I have the same problem and I'm using Chrome Version 71.0.3578.98


Server: The Dark Plains

Feature: 1 and 4 hour Champion experience boosters

Steps before bug: None, it was an achievement award for the Champion experience tourney that just finished and mar'eth quest rewards.

Special conditions: None.

What should have happened: I click the apply button for champion XP boost and receive the boost.

What happened: Nothing, it will not activate.  Neither the 1-hour or 4-hour apply buttons activate the boost.

Agent HelgaTechnical Support
Jan 31, 2019, 14:1601/31/19

Mada said:


Server: The Dark Plains

Feature: 1 and 4 hour Champion experience boosters

Steps before bug: None, it was an achievement award for the Champion experience tourney that just finished and mar'eth quest rewards.

Special conditions: None.

What should have happened: I click the apply button for champion XP boost and receive the boost.

What happened: Nothing, it will not activate.  Neither the 1-hour or 4-hour apply buttons activate the boost.


I have checked the issue on your account and the item was activated successfully. 
Agent HelgaTechnical Support
Jan 31, 2019, 14:1701/31/19
Jan 31, 2019, 14:24(edited)
DeYuann said:

I have the same problem and I'm using Chrome Version 71.0.3578.98

Please specify more details according to this instruction
Jan 31, 2019, 15:3901/31/19

Platform:  FaceBook

Server: The Dark Plains

Feature: 1 and 4 hour Champion experience boosters

What should have happened: I click the apply button for champion XP boost (ITEMS) and receive the boost.

What happened: Nothing, it will not activate from the ITEMS as it usually did, only works if applied from the box that opens when sending the Champion. I can use them but still there is a problem since the activation from the ITEMS will result in many clicks and no action. TY!

Feb 1, 2019, 05:3002/01/19

Please try folllowing - maybe it helps to solve the problem - it works for me:

1. Click "fight the undead"

2. In the new window on the top in the right corner you see now another button to activate the boosters - click on this

3. Next windows opens and you can choose between 1 and 4 hour booster - activate
Feb 1, 2019, 14:3602/01/19

Now that the solo champion tourney finished I won more experience boosters.

Again, they don't work.

 I will try activating them during an attack like recommended from a fellow player.

 I won't post another bug report, it is already well documented.

Thanks  SPITZDANIELO for posting that work around!!!

Feb 2, 2019, 00:3902/02/19

Clicking apply doesn't work for me, either.  Spitzdaniel0's workaround method works, though.

Agent HelgaTechnical Support
Feb 3, 2019, 11:5502/03/19

Thank you for the details! I have reported this issue to our developers for further investigation. Thank you for your cooperation!

While they are investigating the issue, try activate Champion XP Boost using My Items tab in the left-bottom part of the game screen. It should work better than the other option:

Feb 21, 2019, 07:5702/21/19

same problem again as of today - last week the 2 boosters were ok

I have the same problem and I'm using Chrome Version 71.0.3578.98


Server: The Dark Plains

Feature: 1 and 4 hour Champion experience boosters

Steps before bug: None, it was an achievement award for the Champion experience tourney that just finished and mar'eth quest rewards.

Special conditions: None.

What should have happened: I click the apply button for champion XP boost and receive the boost.

What happened: Nothing, it will not activate.  Neither the 1-hour or 4-hour apply buttons activate the boost.

Agent HelgaTechnical Support
Feb 21, 2019, 08:2602/21/19
DeYuann said:

same problem again as of today - last week the 2 boosters were ok

Hello! Please specify the platform(website), the server and your coordinates (or id).