What do you mean by "Currently, there are no bugs related to the items' disappearance", I JUST FORWARDED ONE!... Could you please stop insulting my intelligence!?... If I would of sold the item I would not of posted the issue. To sell that item would of taken over 1 day and it all happened in a 2 minute time frame, just long enough to take down a battleground and switch to... WHAT WAS GONE... From the number of posts on this forum, do you think I am the kind of person that would waste his time? The small issues I did not even bother to post, but i am sure I DID NOT TEACH MY HERO TO MAKE DISAPPEARING ACTS ON ITEMS! And I have one more argument that makes the "I SOLD THE ITEM" theory wrong... I only sell big items when I have the Castle skin activated, and I activated that TODAY... So please do what you have to do and solve the issue. Thank you!