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I cannot cancel a raid after a few seconds i sent it

I cannot cancel a raid after a few seconds i sent it

Jan 20, 2019, 21:0501/20/19

I cannot cancel a raid after a few seconds i sent it


I'm playing SF through facebook uid 6729156 / fb100002198514924 / The Dark Plains / segment01.

For a few months now i cannot cancel for free any raid i sent a few seconds away. It used to be a 50 sec window to cancel your raid, else you will be chanrged 300 saphs or use instant recall. Now this don't work for me, and i only noticed that after i used 100+ instant recalls and after trying to figure why i see difference in my saphires balance. I thought that this is a change of game but many people in my league can cancel a raid without having to use instant recall within 50 secs. 

What is wrong?

Jan 21, 2019, 00:1101/21/19
I myself was told we cant free cancel  any attacks or defense sent under the 50 seconds anymore when they introduced stoneheart castle, I will ask about this 1 for you
Agent HelgaTechnical Support
Jan 22, 2019, 11:5801/22/19


This is not a bug. The thing is that the option to cancel units for free is available only until a player gets access to the Stoneheart Castle.

As soon as this functionality opens for a player, the option to cancel units disappears.

Jan 25, 2019, 18:1801/25/19
Jan 25, 2019, 18:19(edited)
And where is the notice for that change? I used 100 instant recalls thought i can recall them for free, plus saphires, without my knowledge ofcourse.
Agent HelgaTechnical Support
Jan 27, 2019, 17:0501/27/19

This information was in the game news.

By the way, every time you want to recall units instantly, there is a confirmation window, warning you about deducting Sapphires.

Jan 28, 2019, 11:2401/28/19
Is there any valid reason behind this change? 
Agent HelgaTechnical Support
Jan 28, 2019, 14:1901/28/19

xrysantzasg said:

Is there any valid reason behind this change? 

This decision had to be made since we implemented new features.

To discuss this feature please join this thread.

Since there is no bug, the topic will be closed.
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