Raid Bug.
For the last 6 months there is an raid bug active in the game on the server The Dark Plains, also called server 1. I play for rankings and in total i allready lost 14.000 sapphires, as in rankings 1st place gives 5000 sapphires, 2nd place 4000 sapphires and 3rd place 3000 sapphires.
In this game we get once in a while free extra raids, on last friday/saterday we got 30 extra raids, week before same thing. But some get not 30 extra raids, but 60, or even 90 extra raids. So they get 2-3 times as much as others, and that's pretty unfair. It also shakes the rankings. So the people who wanted to be in top 10 have now competition of other lords which were not there in the beginning of the tournament.
The ones in red did get the bug this week. My Coords are x: -3789; y: 690
I was in 2nd place before the bug hit. So i am loosing 4000 sapphires again. Some of my teammates did also got it, like the nr8 toby, who was 3rd last week on raid rankings. And 2 others who told me they got it too.
I would suggest to change the free raids. Do not give them anymore, instead give 15 daily raids instead of 10. This way u compromise what u give and in this way everyone will have the same amount of raids. And fairness will return to the game.
I am not refunding anything, but i like to see this problem get solved soon. As i am done to see my hard work will be for nothing cause of a bug.
Have a nice day.
Greetings Rob Tetteroo.