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Realm inaccuracy

Realm inaccuracy

Jan 8, 2019, 22:5001/08/19

Realm inaccuracy

Playing on Facebook, Untamed Lands server. My leagues Realm is not accurately displayed, not even close. Therefore we are also not completing achievements as we expand our realm.

We have 16k mi^2, its only crediting us with 6.8k mi^2 in embassy.
Jan 9, 2019, 12:4701/09/19
Hi there Lord Allan, do you know how long this has been happening for with your realm inconsistencies?
Jan 9, 2019, 22:4801/09/19
not sure. It has been a while, I suppose.
Jan 10, 2019, 09:2901/10/19
I will pass this 1 on to the tech, it really does look like a bug, but not 1 I have seen before either
DeletedTechnical Support
Jan 10, 2019, 13:5101/10/19

Allan said:

Playing on Facebook, Untamed Lands server. My leagues Realm is not accurately displayed, not even close. Therefore we are also not completing achievements as we expand our realm.

We have 16k mi^2, its only crediting us with 6.8k mi^2 in embassy.

Hello, Lord!

Your correct League Realm is 6.8K mi^2. Could you please clarify where the 16K mi^2 is displayed? 

Jan 11, 2019, 18:1901/11/19
Interesting. I was going to inform you that I have discovered it is almost every league in the game that has a large area. It is incorrectly displayed in the coalitions tab. I see now that mine has been corrected in the coalitions tab, but all the other leagues have not been. For example, moderator Christine' league has 7.5k mi, but in coalitions it shows 22.8k mi.
DeletedTechnical Support
Jan 13, 2019, 14:4001/13/19
Allan said:

Interesting. I was going to inform you that I have discovered it is almost every league in the game that has a large area. It is incorrectly displayed in the coalitions tab. I see now that mine has been corrected in the coalitions tab, but all the other leagues have not been. For example, moderator Christine' league has 7.5k mi, but in coalitions it shows 22.8k mi.
Could you please attach a screenshot of this visual issue on another League? 
Jan 14, 2019, 13:2701/14/19
Just checking, does influence and ranking points that come from badges come into play with coalition realm compared to territory ranking from holding beacons? here is mine
Jan 19, 2019, 16:5101/19/19

It is inaccurate for everyone. Im also curious which one counts towards the Coalition total influence.