Loosing a league
I don't know what section to put my problem in so here goes.
I am Damocles, I have just started on Farwols Crown and joined the league Excalibur http://prntscr.com/m0vkj9 . I am one of four players (a Knight and 3 Neophytes) http://prntscr.com/m0vngr . Our problem is the League is to be dismissed in 6 days +, we talk on a discord channel, https://discord.gg/7Vj9Qn2 , Angel has told us that Mirabills has not been on for 100 + days and daredevil is once a week, at the most. With the Marshal position given to daredevil, we fear he will not be on in time to save Excalibur. My question is, are we able to have Angel’s rank increased. Marshal would be great, but we would settle for Captain, this way the league can be saved and we can bring new life to it.
Damocles an enthusiastic gamer