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Loosing a league

Loosing a league

Dec 29, 2018, 05:4012/29/18

Loosing a league

I don't know what section to put my problem in so here goes.

I am Damocles, I have just started on Farwols Crown and joined the league Excalibur . I am one of four players (a Knight and 3 Neophytes) . Our problem is the League is to be dismissed in 6 days +, we talk on a discord channel, , Angel has told us that Mirabills has not been on for 100 + days and daredevil is once a week, at the most. With the Marshal position given to daredevil, we fear he will not be on in time to save Excalibur. My question is, are we able to have Angel’s rank increased. Marshal would be great, but we would settle for Captain, this way the league can be saved and we can bring new life to it.

Damocles an enthusiastic gamer

Dec 29, 2018, 09:4512/29/18
Hi there Lord Damocles,  to be able to change marshal you all need to send a sshot of the vote to do it and of your league inactives to Alina or  myself ( I will pass it on to her) if you cant message Alina to get this change done fast to save your league
Dec 29, 2018, 12:2312/29/18
Dec 29, 2018, 12:33(edited)

Damocles said:

I don't know what section to put my problem in so here goes.

I am Damocles, I have just started on Farwols Crown and joined the league Excalibur . I am one of four players (a Knight and 3 Neophytes) . Our problem is the League is to be dismissed in 6 days +, we talk on a discord channel, , Angel has told us that Mirabills has not been on for 100 + days and daredevil is once a week, at the most. With the Marshal position given to daredevil, we fear he will not be on in time to save Excalibur. My question is, are we able to have Angel’s rank increased. Marshal would be great, but we would settle for Captain, this way the league can be saved and we can bring new life to it.

Damocles an enthusiastic gamer

If your League Marshal is not active the job should automatically be passed to an active officer

I have just been promoted (against my will) but will probably allow this league to be disbanded anyway because the fortress is too weak to rebuild
I suggest you do the same
Low level forts with no knowledge bonuses have no value, so the league has no value either

[00:03] Oberon: Your previous League Marshal was demoted due to inactivity. The Role has now been given to you – stay active, and help your League prosper!

p.s. No vote should be needed - this is a ridiculous waste of time and devs need to change this rule, but it is already too late to make any difference now

Dec 31, 2018, 11:4812/31/18
Hi there Lord Damocles, i have passed this onto the CM for you 
Jan 5, 2019, 00:5801/05/19

I am sorry to say that we lost our league Excalibur, Plarium did not come through in time and save us. So today I spent the 2000 sapphires to rebuild Excalibur, but we don’t have the 95750 glory points, 6330 tomes or the knowledge base that had been raised between 7 and 2, we can’t even build our fortress yet. This is why automatic replacement of the Marshal won’t work, the 7 day rule is fine, but let the members click to show they want the position of Marshal so that an active player of highest rank that wants to lead will get the position and players won’t lose their league unnecessarily.

Lord Damocles of Excalibur