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Stoneheart BGs will not refresh

Stoneheart BGs will not refresh

Dec 2, 2018, 13:0112/02/18

Stoneheart BGs will not refresh


I just opened these stoneheart BGs up the other day.  

There were only a few at first, but every day I would just beat them all and then the next day the BGs would refresh and it would advance me to the next level.

They did a stoneheart BG update a couple days ago and since then my stoneheart BGs will not refresh.  I did them all the day of the update, and since then my list is empty and there are no more to do.  

My understanding was the update was supposed to open more levels more quickly.  Instead, for me, i just have 0 BGs to fight in and they wont refresh when the day changes.  Is there something I am doing wrong or are my BGs broken?

Dec 2, 2018, 13:0612/02/18

If it helps --  my max level is 15 right now.

Also I get random marshall reports for BGs I did days ago. 

They go to the top of the list as if they had just happened (even though I have not been able to do one in days now)

Dec 2, 2018, 13:1212/02/18

Hello, I had the same problem, it's not a bug, you just have to finish all your battlefields and you'll have refreshment

Dec 2, 2018, 13:2912/02/18

I have none I can do., except the saga quest.  

I dont want to do the saga quest because it gives the adamantite reward and my bank is full.

Do i really have to complete the saga in order to be able to play the other BGs?

I didnt have to do any saga for my normal BGs
Dec 2, 2018, 13:3412/02/18

It worked!  Thank you Torpille.

For some reason it forces you to do those.  Rediculous, and ive wasted a ton of adamantite now because of it.  but at least i can get scrolls again
Dec 2, 2018, 23:2512/02/18

I have the same problem and many others have also.

This has to a bug.

If this was intentional then it's the single most stupid update Plarium have done (and that is saying something).

Has absolutely no logic that you have to clear Saga quests (which are best saved and killed all at once when you have maxed bonuses and boosts on).

Also if it was intentional then you have to raise your BG level by one each day which takes away all choice regarding your control of BG's.

Why would they suddenly make that update and handicap players for no reason whatsoever?

Dec 3, 2018, 04:2112/03/18
I have passed this on to the tech, sounds like a bug
DeletedTechnical Support
Dec 4, 2018, 13:3412/04/18

Hello, Lords!

We have forwarded this case to our devs. They are currently investigating. In case there is a bug in the refresh system, it will be fixed as soon as possible.
DeletedTechnical Support
Dec 4, 2018, 14:2612/04/18

Sir Dan Saul Knight said:


Have quite a few members in the league starting to ask questions about this. Seems to be affecting many people. I hope it's an easy to fix bug as it's causing quite a lot of upset. P

People who were working hard to get the extra scroll each day are quite annoyed to have lost out of 3 already. In most games the devs would comp for that but clearly won't happen here give the history of pixel preciousness.

Could you please specify the coordinates of the players who experience the issue? And the server where they play. 

This will help us to investigate the issue.