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Upgrading a Townhouse to lvl.25 doesn't bring 2 percent bonuses to units

Upgrading a Townhouse to lvl.25 doesn't bring 2 percent bonuses to units

Nov 6, 2018, 23:0711/06/18

Upgrading a Townhouse to lvl.25 doesn't bring 2 percent bonuses to units


Platform - facebook, server Untamed Lands, Castle 695,176:

Three days ago I have upgraded a Townhouse from lvl 24 to lvl 25. I have expected 2% increase in Def and Off stats. Nothing has changed in my stats since 3 days. How did i understood - single unit D or O didnt change. My garrisson D didnt change. I have used a 40 dyas boosts for this upgrade. I had 3 Townhouses to lvl 24. When I upgraded each of them to lvl 24, within less than a minute D stats changed to each unit and garrison. Now nothing happened when upgrade has been done from lvl 24 to lvl 25. Please check. Thank you very much in advance for your kind cooperation. Looking forward to your response and corresponding fix. Best regards.
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