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Scrolling through the castle map.

Scrolling through the castle map.

Nov 6, 2018, 09:1511/06/18

Scrolling through the castle map.

The slightest slip of the mouse causes the map to move off course rapidly. Error field of view is 10-7000 miles *facepalm*. Raiding castles is almost unplayable. Just one of many many many many many bugs since new updates. I would list them all, but I doubt anyone in Plarium gives a toss....
DeletedTechnical Support
Nov 6, 2018, 14:4911/06/18

Hello, Lord!

Please go to the Settings and disable the Inertial Scrolling option. This is not a bug. 

Nov 6, 2018, 21:2311/06/18
Nov 7, 2018, 04:30(edited)

Thank you for your reply Agent Pavel.

The problem is still happening but to a lesser degree, even before de-activating internal scrolling. Toggling the internal scroll option has no effect. If the map doesn't scroll rapidly in one direction out to 7000 miles it would freeze and scrolling would cease all together. I guess when issues start and self rectify "to a degree" they are not bugs....

DeletedTechnical Support
Nov 9, 2018, 15:5011/09/18
Zufbar said:

Thank you for your reply Agent Pavel.

The problem is still happening but to a lesser degree, even before de-activating internal scrolling. Toggling the internal scroll option has no effect. If the map doesn't scroll rapidly in one direction out to 7000 miles it would freeze and scrolling would cease all together. I guess when issues start and self rectify "to a degree" they are not bugs....

I would be grateful if you recorded a video of this issue. And please specify your browser and it's version. Thus I will be able to test the issue.
Nov 10, 2018, 12:4111/10/18
Nov 10, 2018, 12:41(edited)

I'm using Plarium Play. It seems to be ok now. Scroll drift is now rare and manageable. If it occurs again to an unplayable level I will mail you. Thank you.

PS: please see my new bug report.