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Cant send Free Gifts

Cant send Free Gifts

Jul 30, 2018, 17:4707/30/18

Cant send Free Gifts

Since the server maintenance on the 27th I am having trouble sending free gifts to my friends and fellow league members. I click on the Send button and the notification doesn't appear and their names don't drop off the list of available to send. I have cleared all cookies and history. Everything else in the game works fine. Any ideas?

DeletedTechnical Support
Jul 31, 2018, 10:2407/31/18

Hello, Lord!

I have just tested this feature and sent the gifts successfully. Please try clearing your browser's cache and relog into your Facebook profile. 
Jul 31, 2018, 15:0407/31/18
I also have the problem with firefox browser. Chrome seems to work for this
Jul 31, 2018, 21:1707/31/18
I did all that before I posted and I use chrome as well.  So no that is not the most correct answer. Thanks for playing.
DeletedTechnical Support
Aug 1, 2018, 06:5908/01/18
Scot said:

I did all that before I posted and I use chrome as well.  So no that is not the most correct answer. Thanks for playing.
Please try removing the game from your Facebook apps list and adding it once again. You should receive a permissions pop-up, accept it and check the gifts.
Aug 1, 2018, 21:5008/01/18
Problem still exists. Gifts will not send and no message pop up that indicates it was successful.
DeletedTechnical Support
Aug 2, 2018, 10:0708/02/18

Scot said:

Problem still exists. Gifts will not send and no message pop up that indicates it was successful.

Please specify the browser you use for the game. If possible, please try to reproduce the issue via another browser, e.g. Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

Also, please specify if your friends are displayed on the bottom tab in the Castle. 

Aug 2, 2018, 13:4008/02/18

I  use Google Chrome for Facebook and to play the game.  If you are talking about the moving bar at the bottom of the screen then yes that is displayed. I duplicated the problem in IE 11 as well. When I click to send the gifts to the checked individuals the facebook generated message pops up and I click send. Then nothing else happens. Names do not disappear and the game message that says it was successful does not appear.

Aug 6, 2018, 20:4608/06/18
Still not working. How long until you find a fix?
AndriiTechnical Support
Aug 7, 2018, 14:3308/07/18

Hi! Thank you for your attention to this matter. I appreciate it a lot. I have submitted all the information to the QA team for further revision. Now it looks like some issue on the Facebook's side. 

Aug 22, 2018, 16:3108/22/18
This issue still ongoing. I can send gifts to all friends but the last page now which is some 30 people. I don't care whose end the problem exists on. This is a Plarium game and in my opinion lies in your lap to get it fixed. How you get it fixed is none of my concern but if you have to coordinate with Facebook personnel then do so, please.
Oct 3, 2018, 05:0110/03/18
Wow I took a week off after the new added content broke the game some more and I come back to see you still haven't fixed or addressed this issue. You guys really do need to do some reevaluation as a company.
Dec 1, 2018, 18:1212/01/18
2 more months and still no fix for this issue. Yet you continue to add more content for the coiners. Kinda lets us free players know where we stand with your company.  Either fix it or remove it from the game.