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PvP Points in Brawl

PvP Points in Brawl

Sep 24, 2022, 18:5609/24/22

PvP Points in Brawl  Stormfall Age of War

During the Brawl  I sent reinforcements to our league castle. The opponent failed to raid. I received 773K  PvP points and no Brawl points (not a problem here). Our castle, Zombie< where the battle took place received ZERO Brawl points. What happened? The opponent did receive points for units that he killed (around 90K as per him).

Sep 25, 2022, 23:4509/25/22

Is it possible that Zombie is a new member?  (less than 7 days)

Sep 26, 2022, 12:0309/26/22

Is it possible that Zombie is a new member?  (less than 7 days)

Good point I will await the answer to this

Sep 26, 2022, 15:5709/26/22
Sep 26, 2022, 15:57(edited)

Thx Wes

The only other explanation is that Zombie's Events Tab is so overcrowded that new tournaments, events and brawls are failing to appear

I often get this problem and need to refresh 2 or 3 times before new stuff appears

Maybe Brawls etc need to be moved to the new Special Events Tab?

Sep 26, 2022, 17:1909/26/22

No, he is "a long ago" - 140 days, hence in Neophytes. His another account with the same 140 days got 200 points for The Brawl... and even if it is overcrowded Events tab - it is a technical problem that has to be fixed, correct?  Why it should be my or league problem?

We missed 2Mil+ points there that would bring us over 20Mil stage in The Brawl. I would like Plarium to look into it and compensate our league for lost stage rewards.



Sep 26, 2022, 19:5909/26/22

No, he is "a long ago" - 140 days, hence in Neophytes. His another account with the same 140 days got 200 points for The Brawl... and even if it is overcrowded Events tab - it is a technical problem that has to be fixed, correct?  Why it should be my or league problem?

We missed 2Mil+ points there that would bring us over 20Mil stage in The Brawl. I would like Plarium to look into it and compensate our league for lost stage rewards.



neophytes are not considered as Full league members so they would also not produce brawl points  either sorry to say.

Sep 26, 2022, 21:1509/26/22

Hmmm.. are you sure? Neophytes do produce Brawl points. I've mentioned in my previous post another neophyte that received points and it was more than one in this current Brawl. Some neophytes received points for PvP and some probably for building units. Please check. 

Sep 26, 2022, 23:0609/26/22

Please see below Neophytes producing Brawl points in the last Brawl (but not Zombie!). Skywalker and Marie points are for PvP, everybody probably for produced units:

Sep 26, 2022, 23:4609/26/22

I was informed about another exactly the same case during the last Brawl. Failed raid (Grand Pim from RedNecks - our opponent), plenty of offense killed, no points to our Neophyte (long ago) castle Ifarted

Sep 27, 2022, 12:2509/27/22

Please see below Neophytes producing Brawl points in the last Brawl (but not Zombie!). Skywalker and Marie points are for PvP, everybody probably for produced units:

Those points are for building troops  they are not from Attacks defended 

Sep 27, 2022, 13:0409/27/22

Incorrect. Skywalker and Marie received points from PvP. Plarium can easily verify it by looking into their logs.

I've also went through Brawl rules again. Can you please quote a rule that doesn't allow Neophytes to receive PvP points? I did not find any.

Please forward our case to Plarium Support Team.

Sep 27, 2022, 14:1709/27/22

I have  check My answer with plarium I am Told My answer is correct

Sep 27, 2022, 14:3609/27/22

If I knew that it would be a dispute I wold keep reports...

Under what LISTED Brawl rule we were not granted points? Please quote/printscreen.

and how I can talk to Support directly?

Forget Me NotCommunity Manager
Sep 27, 2022, 14:5809/27/22

My Lords, Neophytes do not get the Brawl points. They need to complete their probation before the Brawl starts to get them. 

If a player was inactive for 140 days, he wouldn't be able to take part in the Brawl at all.

In case of any doubts, you can always contact the support team and ask them to check your case personally. 


Sep 27, 2022, 16:0709/27/22

Hello Anastasia,

Incorrect: Neophyts do receive Brawl points. Please see 6 Neophyts with Brawl points (last Brawl):

"If a player was inactive for 140 days, he wouldn't be able to take part in the Brawl at all."

Please quote/printscreen LISTED Brawl or General Rules to support your statement quoted above.

Forget Me NotCommunity Manager
Sep 28, 2022, 07:4209/28/22
Sep 28, 2022, 08:09(edited)

Hello Anastasia,

Incorrect: Neophyts do receive Brawl points. Please see 6 Neophyts with Brawl points (last Brawl):

"If a player was inactive for 140 days, he wouldn't be able to take part in the Brawl at all."

Please quote/printscreen LISTED Brawl or General Rules to support your statement quoted above.

As I have mentioned the Neophytes need to complete their probation period before the Brawl starts to get the points. Probably they have completed theirs.

Every case should be checked separately. You can contact the support team and ask them to check each player if you want.

Please quote/printscreen LISTED Brawl or General Rules to support your statement quoted above.

May I have the IDs of the player who has been inactive for 140 days, my Lord?

Sep 28, 2022, 11:0309/28/22

Neophyts with points - yes, they did complete their probation. All of them including the ones that did not get points. The rule is 7 days, not a rank - we know it and it was never a question, rather a suggested explanation that was repeated for quite a few times. Anyway, I am glad we are on the same page here.

2 castles that did not receive PvP points during the last Brawl, Sep 24-25th

Zombie -725 481

Ifarted   -735 486

If there is no Rules regarding "long agos"  making points in tournaments, I am certainly contacting Support to look into the glitch.

Missing points, well over 2Mil, would bring our league's final score north of 20Mil, allowing to complete the stage and, much more importantly, claim rewards.

P.S. I've tried to locate them in my Friends List , but they did not show up when I scroll down. By the way, as a suggestion, can we have a search line in "Friend List"? or somehow sort them in alphabetical order? with 900+ it will be handy.

Forget Me NotCommunity Manager
Sep 30, 2022, 08:3509/30/22

Neophyts with points - yes, they did complete their probation. All of them including the ones that did not get points. The rule is 7 days, not a rank - we know it and it was never a question, rather a suggested explanation that was repeated for quite a few times. Anyway, I am glad we are on the same page here.

2 castles that did not receive PvP points during the last Brawl, Sep 24-25th

Zombie -725 481

Ifarted   -735 486

If there is no Rules regarding "long agos"  making points in tournaments, I am certainly contacting Support to look into the glitch.

Missing points, well over 2Mil, would bring our league's final score north of 20Mil, allowing to complete the stage and, much more importantly, claim rewards.

P.S. I've tried to locate them in my Friends List , but they did not show up when I scroll down. By the way, as a suggestion, can we have a search line in "Friend List"? or somehow sort them in alphabetical order? with 900+ it will be handy.

Me too, my Lord😉

2 castles that did not receive PvP points during the last Brawl, Sep 24-25th
Zombie -725 481
Ifarted   -735 486

I suggest these players contact the support team to find out the reason. Please share it with me after that if possible.

P.S. I've tried to locate them in my Friends List , but they did not show up when I scroll down. By the way, as a suggestion, can we have a search line in "Friend List"? or somehow sort them in alphabetical order? with 900+ it will be handy.

I like your suggestion. I think it will be useful to have a search line. I will transfer your idea to the team.

Have a wonderful day!

Oct 1, 2022, 15:1610/01/22

I have a similar situation. My reinforcements won a battle and we (myself or my league) did not receive any Brawl points. The castle in question is in our league for a long time, although he has not been active lately. The opposing league, by the way, received over a 1 million points for this fight. (We discussed this between the two leagues).

Have screen shots if people are interested.