These is an example of what is wrong with autocratic leadership style. It never works. the only way of such leadership to work in a hardcore MMORPG like stormfall is for that league to have endless influx of players, or ALTS.
autocratic leadership style is problematic, leadership abhor any form of criticisms, they disregard any form of communication about the aspect of game play within and without the league, and MOST problematic they form close knit relation with each other, making a form of league within a league.
Not that I am being critical of KT, I was in Emps and knowing how close KT was with Emps (shin was from KT or something), I assume the same thing happen in KT.
When you really consider how complex these game is, you can see the problems. A player, no matter how skilled he is, or how much he contribute to the league, even with a huge thing like sending double the defensive requirement to beacon and fort, or a small thing like always helping out in chat and TS, will never EVER be recognized unless he form close ties with the leadership. You will find a player who have been in such a league for years, who had helped put the league in top, who had gone through hell to help the league still a guardian. While someone like DV just join and seconds latter he is made a captain.
A league should value members and be democratic as possible, promote open dialogue and communication (some league will go to an extend of barring members from making comments in chat, FB and forums). Dialogue enhances, and sharpens the leadership, and open dialogue like, criticizing the leadership in chat open up the platform for new innovative ideas.
Autocratic leagues will not survive for long in stormfall, with these coining, players living the game, and beacon becoming less attractive.
Oracle said:
These is an example of what is wrong with autocratic leadership style. It never works. the only way of such leadership to work in a hardcore MMORPG like stormfall is for that league to have endless influx of players, or ALTS.
autocratic leadership style is problematic, leadership abhor any form of criticisms, they disregard any form of communication about the aspect of game play within and without the league, and MOST problematic they form close knit relation with each other, making a form of league within a league.
Not that I am being critical of KT, I was in Emps and knowing how close KT was with Emps (shin was from KT or something), I assume the same thing happen in KT.
When you really consider how complex these game is, you can see the problems. A player, no matter how skilled he is, or how much he contribute to the league, even with a huge thing like sending double the defensive requirement to beacon and fort, or a small thing like always helping out in chat and TS, will never EVER be recognized unless he form close ties with the leadership. You will find a player who have been in such a league for years, who had helped put the league in top, who had gone through hell to help the league still a guardian. While someone like DV just join and seconds latter he is made a captain.
A league should value members and be democratic as possible, promote open dialogue and communication (some league will go to an extend of barring members from making comments in chat, FB and forums). Dialogue enhances, and sharpens the leadership, and open dialogue like, criticizing the leadership in chat open up the platform for new innovative ideas.
Autocratic leagues will not survive for long in stormfall, with these coining, players living the game, and beacon becoming less attractive.
While this may work for a league of three (your league),it doesn't for serious leagues.
Democratic leagues with open dialogue are impossible in a game like this because it is freely giving information to the spies about what route the league is doing.
"leadership abhor any form of criticisms"...for this, I can see where you are coming from. Some leadership structures do not take criticism and just boot the member. Smart leagues have to take the criticism with a grain of salt, as leadership knows the "whole picture' while the member may be missing a part of the puzzle that cannot be shared due to troop confidentiality.
"they disregard any form of communication about the aspect of game play within and without the league"... for this, most members don't really care or ask about the game within the game or what is going on outside of their league. I am sure most leagues would be willing to say what they know, in teamspeak of course. (no use spilling the beans on all the rumors in chat)..
"MOST problematic they form close knit relation with each other, making a form of league within a league."....... this makes no sense at all... of course they become close knit.. they have to work out what is best for the league and thus spend lots of time conversing with one another.. (that is how friendships are formed btw). I don't see it as a league within a league, rather a difference of available time. Most leaderships put in a lot more hours than most, so naturally, they see each other more and know more about what is going on in the game.
For members that may come across as the leadership are not telling them what the league is doing, but at the same time, if the members want to know what is going on.. they can always hop in ts and talk with their league's leadership.. I found that most players either don't care about the politics or do not have the time to keep up with it all.
As for "members been in the league for years and are guardian"... Ranks mean absolutely nothing about loyalty... its about security.. in a game like Stormfall, unless you hear someone's voice in teamspeak, it isn't a good idea to let them see in beacons as it may not be original owner of an account or an alt. Nor are ranks important at all.. I don't see a difference between a commander and a recruit on loyalty.. the only difference is that the commander is probably more active in league strikes and thus has that rank so they can lead league strikes.
Kt is looking for a Diplomatic Captain, who will ignore his leagues beacon and fortress defense requirements, who brags of his offensive kills within his castle walls with his defense, who doesn't actually kill anything within the walls to justify such special treatment, he must also go into chat and belittle the command and Marshall, require prema Donna treatment, quit without warning and post stupid comments in this forum. Oh wait we had him but he was booted. Guess we dont need one after allLOL I am guessing you need your diaper changed huh :P
Crayzys try and find one that dont CRY all the time.Marcel here's your dummy stuff that in ya mouth:Pcrayzys said:Kt is looking for a Diplomatic Captain, who will ignore his leagues beacon and fortress defense requirements, who brags of his offensive kills within his castle walls with his defense, who doesn't actually kill anything within the walls to justify such special treatment, he must also go into chat and belittle the command and Marshall, require prema Donna treatment, quit without warning and post stupid comments in this forum. Oh wait we had him but he was booted. Guess we dont need one after allLOL I am guessing you need your diaper changed huh :P