badone said:
i do other reply you do what you do you have no bescons we have a few still will they die BH on our beacin bring it we still have fortress lvl 20 and avhivements that you even emagine:? bring it we waiting your move not a soam of 1 units every 3 minutes. wtf are you made off? in this litle think i sieged 2 of your league and 1 of the others sh its. you acomplish nothing jes once again!
what are you going on about??? Have another drink buddy
I dropped 22 of your level 5 beacons if that's nothing I am okay with that - my stats speak for themselves - My league has been active for 9 months of course Dominus has more achievements so what is your point????
oh look I just killed more troops with 2 fireballs than you did sieging two of my members - cheers!!
by the way you left some offense out :)
ops it seems some one made your captain sad
trevor said:
if theres one thing in this game i do know its not to upset jezebel ive been friends with her for 18 months but the lady does hit hard
Why she should be upset ? :) She choose to fight with a big league, and to have fun , and i realy apreciate that.Not long ago some of us did same when was in Ratcoms .
And she have right: cant babysit everyone, after all is a war game.This one's for Mablung
Badone you been begging me to do something does this work for you?
badone said:
lol whats that? 86k points on a beacon hit ? wow as you see you killed realy alot lol. did the same amont of points with my ''hammer'' in last beacon torny on a beacon lvl 1 lol let me tell you it was over that it was 130k points lol
unfortunate for the solo player that decided to stack a level 1 beacon :)