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hys and hes struke bacj agaubr dinubys kik

hys and hes struke bacj agaubr dinubys kik

Aug 27, 2017, 01:1608/27/17

hys and hes struke bacj agaubr dinubys kik

its seems shadow eghe aint worth dominus so they now called up on DBH  to make us afraed get real kex if you dont have a gammwr to call oue beacobs enpty at least retreat as a humble defeted guy? ops are you a lady?fuck me
Aug 27, 2017, 01:1808/27/17
can i edit the threath name kik?=
Aug 27, 2017, 01:3208/27/17
se+something dh againt dominus bring ut baby u wint get tier tukk smame sime if you hamers-------------,8 gi fir it)
Aug 27, 2017, 01:4108/27/17
i do other reply you do what you do you have no bescons we have a few still will they die BH on our beacin bring it we still have fortress lvl 20 and avhivements that you even emagine:? bring it we waiting your move not a soam of 1 units every 3 minutes. wtf are you made off? in this litle think i sieged 2 of your league and 1 of the others sh its. you acomplish nothing jes once again!
Aug 27, 2017, 07:3308/27/17
Aug 27, 2017, 07:42(edited)

badone said:

i do other reply you do what you do you have no bescons we have a few still will they die BH on our beacin bring it we still have fortress lvl 20 and avhivements that you even emagine:? bring it we waiting your move not a soam of 1 units every 3 minutes. wtf are you made off? in this litle think i sieged 2 of your league and 1 of the others sh its. you acomplish nothing jes once again!

what are you going on about??? Have another drink buddy

I dropped 22 of your level 5 beacons if that's nothing I am okay with that - my stats speak for themselves - My league has been active for 9 months of course Dominus has more achievements so what is your point????  

PS - its not hard to siege a castle if they don't leave defense out 
Aug 27, 2017, 07:4908/27/17
Aug 27, 2017, 07:53(edited)

oh look I just killed more troops with 2 fireballs than you did sieging two of my members - cheers!!

by the way you left some offense out :)

Aug 27, 2017, 19:5708/27/17

well I can't babysit everyone :)

Aug 27, 2017, 20:1608/27/17
if theres one thing in this game i do know its not to upset jezebel ive been friends with her for  18 months  but the lady  does  hit hard 
Aug 27, 2017, 21:4408/27/17

trevor said:

if theres one thing in this game i do know its not to upset jezebel ive been friends with her for  18 months  but the lady  does  hit hard 

Why she should be upset ? :) She choose to fight with a big league, and to have fun , and i realy apreciate that.Not long ago some of us did same when was in Ratcoms . 

And she have right: cant babysit everyone, after all is a war game. 
Aug 27, 2017, 22:0608/27/17
OMG what a laugh when i readed this threath name lolz
Aug 28, 2017, 05:2408/28/17
lol whats that? 86k points on a beacon hit ? wow as you see you killed realy alot lol. did the same amont of points with my ''hammer'' in last beacon torny on a beacon lvl 1 lol let me tell you it was over that it was 130k points lol
Aug 28, 2017, 07:2908/28/17
Aug 28, 2017, 07:40(edited)

badone said:

lol whats that? 86k points on a beacon hit ? wow as you see you killed realy alot lol. did the same amont of points with my ''hammer'' in last beacon torny on a beacon lvl 1 lol let me tell you it was over that it was 130k points lol

unfortunate for the solo player that decided to stack a level 1 beacon :)

86k were my points - multiply it by 3 - oh wait have you done a league strike? 
Aug 28, 2017, 15:0308/28/17

86k were my points - multiply it by 3 - oh wait have you done a league strike? 


PS: as i cant see the units the others sent im going asume with was 2 paths so 0 points:)
Aug 28, 2017, 15:2408/28/17
you are an idiot I am done responding to you 
Aug 28, 2017, 16:1008/28/17

lolz i call apon a moderator this behavier its enasetable in a forum.

PS just to jez : just becose you are dumb dont make any one else dumb also lol. and you cant undle the words said go hide dont try make you the enlighted one cos you aint as we see
Aug 28, 2017, 17:1008/28/17

Jezebel said:

well I can't babysit everyone :)

I know I am not supposed to comment here, But did you just call your Captain a BABY. 

That is sweet, I can imagine having a Boss BABY as a Captain, I could have a blast. 

Aug 28, 2017, 18:2508/28/17