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Replacing a Missing Marshalls

Replacing a Missing Marshalls

Jul 21, 2017, 00:4907/21/17

Replacing a Missing Marshalls

What can be done about a Marshal that has not logged in for 143 days? 
Jul 21, 2017, 01:2807/21/17
Jul 21, 2017, 01:29(edited)

You can take the league over by going through plarium. file a support ticket I believe, tell them your Marshall's gone and then in 30 days they'll make the next highest ranking member who wants the position Marshall.  I made a game guide that is so if you're new and become a Marshall or have no experience you don't have to forfeit your league due to lack of experience and merge with another. There's a part about getting new members and training them that hasn't been added. i'll talk about it in game if you look up my league ANBU Black Ops and message me. if you have trouble getting new members this goes for any Marshalls out there. we had 48 members 2 months ago now we have 121. for a new league you're looking at 3-6 months to be able to do those numbers with lots of hard work and logging in online. you have to screen new members and vet them using my method. After 3 years of playing my way is more of a method and philosophy.

Jul 21, 2017, 11:5007/21/17

Move to an active league.....

Jul 21, 2017, 14:1807/21/17
JWeiser_FoL said:

Move to an active league.....

Jul 21, 2017, 15:1507/21/17

bracewellj said:

What can be done about a Marshal that has not logged in for 143 days? 

The current progression of the game makes it more favorable if you are in a good active league. 

My advice will be to move to an active league. However if you want to take over. Then you have to submit a ticket to support

here is a link


1. a screenshot showing that the marshal is inactive 

2. A screenshot showing support from league members for a new marshal ( chat, PM, or vote)

3. coordinates of league members will be helpful.

Please note that should the old league marshal return and demand his league back Plarium will be liable to give his league back. 

Jul 21, 2017, 18:0207/21/17

It all boils down to who put the money up for the league. But I do agree with DJ is kinda bs that the original maker of the league can just get it back....but if someone really wants to be marshal of a league then why don't they their own money up and start their own league so they don't have to worry about the original owner coming back and taking it back from them

Jul 21, 2017, 19:1307/21/17

djmoody said:

JWeiser_FoL said:

but if someone really wants to be marshal of a league then why don't they their own money up and start their own league so they don't have to worry about the original owner coming back and taking it back from them

You would lose:

- All achievements and have to start from scratch

- League fortress and knowledge progress

- The brand name of your league dies

- You are disassociated with everything you have achieved with your initial league

- Be highly disruptive to the community and you would never be able to organise a straight move of all members to a new league

- and be a huge amount of time and effort to organise

Anyway I don't think we are talking about people with a burning desire to be marshal's that often, more that they don't want their league and community yo die simply because 1 person went inactive.

agree if a Marshall goes inactive they should at least have the decency to pass the torch to someone else - sometimes it may happen because of a real life issues so if they return and they were liked I am sure the person who assumed the role would be happy to return the seat 

if they were terrible then oh well lol he/she should not be able to take the league away from the current Marshall since I believe Plarium requires some kind of consensus from the league of who the Marshall position should be given to
Jul 22, 2017, 13:0507/22/17
Jul 22, 2017, 13:05(edited)

There are conditions set in order for the support team to even return a league to the previous owner. For example if the marshal was away for over 12 months after the transfer it will be difficult to get the league back. But if the marshal was only away for a month or two, due to real life problems and he has heavily invested in the league then he could recieve the league back. 

The cases will be reviewed, and conditions before the marshal left until he comes back will be considered. 

Sometimes people jump into inactive leagues and tries to hijack them, through these process. So the support team will  evaluate all scenarios and decide. 

The CM also hinted in a reply that inactive leagues will be shut down in the future  . 
Jul 22, 2017, 13:0807/22/17
Jul 22, 2017, 13:09(edited)

djmoody said:

This question seems to come up regularly every coupe of months. Might be worth pinning the answer to the top of this section.


 I  Also changed the topic

Jul 22, 2017, 15:5007/22/17
Jul 22, 2017, 15:51(edited)
i dont want to take over the league just be able to do what the marshall does and if he comes back then he can just step right back in and take the lead
Jul 24, 2017, 07:5807/24/17

Here is the steps  that should be useful 

click on these link here

 On submit a request click account issue
Then fill in the information as follows

Remember to attach your screenshots in the attach file section. 

Oct 11, 2018, 10:5010/11/18
I am trying weeks now to get a valid link for Marshall replacement.All links ends nowhere.Mission impossible.
Oct 11, 2018, 11:3210/11/18

GiaTheKiller said:

I am trying weeks now to get a valid link for Marshall replacement.All links ends nowhere.Mission impossible.

Lord/Lady Giathekiller

you can use this link and use the option of Stuck Units.

if this is difficult, you also cand send me a PM with the cords of the current Marshal, your  cords and a screenshot where the majority of the League confirmed they want to change the Marshal. Once you get this information, send it to me and I will send to the CM to make the change.
