Anarchy, redqueen or bobthedog or .....
Thank you for your comment yesterday about my facebook profile picture in game.
When you feel the need to send a player degrading comments about their fb picture you sunk to a new low and I win by default :)
That fb pic is open for all to see and I really dont mind people seeying it but ..... oh yes a but
I am not sure if I need to feel sorry for you or decline your advances or both.
If you are sad enough to look me up on facebook or google my name cos our leagues arent friendly you are lacking a life my friend.
I advised it before and I will do so again, you need to stop doing drugs, seriously.
Do you remember what happend the last time you did drugs?
You suicided your entire army on destiny's beacon, then cried hack when you sobered up.
If its the secret (well not so secret anymore) desire to look at me in your spare moments (I DONT disagree :P)
I have to tell you that I am happily married, have a great family and certainly no interrest in you.
Stop doing drugs, see a doctor is all I can say