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The sad Loss of  a Fellow Player - Mailus RA - Dragoni  League

The sad Loss of a Fellow Player - Mailus RA - Dragoni League

May 28, 2019, 02:3105/28/19

The sad Loss of a Fellow Player - Mailus RA - Dragoni League

Hello All,

I am hearing the sad news of the death of a great player in this game - Mailus RA

I know Dominus and many other leagues players send their condolences

As a mark of respect it has been suggested that everyone sends an archer to his castle

I then was sent some reports of the mark of respect from RIZZO alt - Mail COP

RIZZO come on friend - why the besiege on Mailus RA??

But perhaps this was a mistake by RIZZO because today I saw him write in the SIN coalition chat

So the YIN and YANG has been restored RIZZO

But I have fond memories of chatting to Mailus RA in PM - YOU were a great FRIEND,

Community Managers - Would it be possible to protect his castle in this Game???

DoomieUK at Dominus

May 28, 2019, 06:4805/28/19

Thanks for all condolences sent to me and Dragoni league members. We lost a great man and leader. We miss you Mailus.

Now is time Dragoni mourns Mailus. May he rest in peace
May 28, 2019, 07:1605/28/19

thank you from the Dragoni family

 anyway Dylan will continue to play with the castle of Mailus to honor him

May 28, 2019, 18:4605/28/19
May 28, 2019, 18:46(edited)

I was in Dragoni for a long time and knew Mailus in real.

He was a very real friend and a great Marshall for many Dragoni's players and for many other players.

His voyage will brink him far from this life but his shadow will rest with uss.

If Dragoni wants, they can ask Plarium to make his castle sacred.

I hope it will be done.

Addio eterno ragazzo, che il tuo viaggio ti sia lieve.

May 28, 2019, 21:2405/28/19
Sleep in peace great leader. be sure to carry on his legacy Dragonia.
Jun 1, 2019, 11:1906/01/19
DoomieUK said:

Hello All,

I am hearing the sad news of the death of a great player in this game - Mailus RA

I know Dominus and many other leagues players send their condolences

As a mark of respect it has been suggested that everyone sends an archer to his castle

I then was sent some reports of the mark of respect from RIZZO alt - Mail COP

RIZZO come on friend - why the besiege on Mailus RA??

But perhaps this was a mistake by RIZZO because today I saw him write in the SIN coalition chat

So the YIN and YANG has been restored RIZZO

But I have fond memories of chatting to Mailus RA in PM - YOU were a great FRIEND,

Community Managers - Would it be possible to protect his castle in this Game???

DoomieUK at Dominus

Rizzo didnt do a nice thing attacking him ( if this SS is real and if we consider the situation neutral which is never the case )however ur action is much more rude .considering someone else is playing his account he will be attacked sooner or later ,it just means an attack on a castle like all the other castles and it shouldnt be reflected as an attack on malius .may he rest in peace .he was a great man and lived a good life as i hear . my condolences to evryone in dragoni as a human being who miss their friends not as a member in a league in fight with others .evryone was upset to hear about it that just shows how much a great person he was 
Jun 4, 2019, 18:1006/04/19

Dragoni members know I never attacked their Marshall

No one in my league attacked their marshall

We all sent archers, we asked the coalition to send archers

Doomie you BS wont work here, Dragoni members know your lieing

Sad day Doomie
Jun 4, 2019, 18:1206/04/19
Jun 4, 2019, 18:24(edited)

Why your gone from KT, children need not apply

Doomie you do realize that over 500 members from SIN coalition alone sent archers, no one got a report of such an attack, we will investigate and expose your doctored pic. lowest of the low
Jun 5, 2019, 00:1706/05/19

I sent the siege when the tournament when we were paired to battle each other and before i knew about the loss of the Marshall.

When i heard i sent condolences and some troops to his castle to help.

I dont know why you cropped the picture, I assume you were trying to fudge the time and date.  I will show the time and date but not all of their losses.

I will admit that 99% of the time it is not me driving my account due to health reasons, But the people who do look after my account would not do this either.

Here is also the message i sent to Dylan. 

If you were trying to fudge the dates for the simple reason of causing trouble then you need to look in the mirror pal.

Jun 5, 2019, 04:2806/05/19
Jun 5, 2019, 04:30(edited)
Jun 5, 2019, 04:3106/05/19
Doomie may have actually realized this game has brought out the worst in him