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How do you calculate the outcome of a battle?

How do you calculate the outcome of a battle?

Jun 26, 2018, 13:1806/26/18

How do you calculate the outcome of a battle?

Players martingatrix1406 said:

Player 1 attacks. Player 2 defends. A is the total value of all of Player 1’s attacking Units’ offense ratings. B is the total value of all of Player 2’s defensive ratings. Players’ losses are calculated according to these aggregate values. If: А = 15,000 Offense and B = 20,000 Defense, then Player 1 loses approximately 55% of Units. Player 2 loses 45% of Forces. These ratios may be subject to change

Jun 26, 2018, 15:1206/26/18

offense/defense ratio is unbalanced it takes more than double the number of defense units to equal offense

guess it depends on how much you value your defense but IMO the defender always wins if they manage to kill a lot of offense :)

losing offense hurts more unless you buy it back of course .....
Nov 27, 2018, 11:4611/27/18
Nov 27, 2018, 11:46(edited)

Sir Dan Saul Knight said:

Wow that is a new one.

A legitimate message from what seems like must be a legitimate user (given the original post) and now their account seems to have been hijacked and the message edited.

That is a new level of forum spam posting... not seen that before.

Something very weird going on here though.


Our Forum devs are now investigating how this situation could happen.

For now, the recommendation is to change your Forum password to the stronger one, don't share it with anyone and don't click on the long links that can start an automatic download of the virus software to your PC.

I tried to restore the initial post, but I had to submit it from Oberon's name to get the spamming post removed.

Oct 16, 2019, 09:3510/16/19
Jan 12, 2020, 23:0501/12/20

Lord Oberon said:

Players martingatrix1406 said:

Player 1 attacks. Player 2 defends. A is the total value of all of Player 1’s attacking Units’ offense ratings. B is the total value of all of Player 2’s defensive ratings. Players’ losses are calculated according to these aggregate values. If: А = 15,000 Offense and B = 20,000 Defense, then Player 1 loses approximately 55% of Units. Player 2 loses 45% of Forces. These ratios may be subject to change

Lord Oberon,

first id like u to visit a page directed at u here here.

ill even sweeten the pot by explaining ur subject more :p

Jan 12, 2020, 23:4901/12/20
Jan 14, 2020, 01:57(edited)

if ur a new player visit this page a complete guide, here.

outcome of a battle...


outcome of a battle is not just based on how much units(offense or defense power) u use,so how much units used wouldn't be correct...

there are many affecting factors:

1.the action itself : siege and raid ,the way the game is designed can make the outcome in ur favor depending on ur attack being a raid or a siege

2.units' type : this also have a huge impact on the outcome of a battle ! infantry units do great against bestiary... units type are to be considered

3.castle defense bonus : the higher the defense bonus,the stronger units defending ur castle will be...

4.champions: this also has a huge affect in calculating outcome of a battle... much units are used: this also matters in ratio of a defense/offense

6.units' rank: the higher the rank the stronger units become

7.stoneheart unit: these units also have an impact on outcome of a battle..

wow i just added last 2 while revisiting this page,there might even be more that i might have forgotten

knowing things i just mentioned a player might use 1.000.000 offense power and lose almost everything attacking a player using only 100.000...

yup that's 10 times the defender, and yet it fails

check my tutorials for more info and how tos on forum/tutorial part

sincerely noone's



Feb 26, 2021, 14:1202/26/21

Lord Oberon said:

Players martingatrix1406 said:

Player 1 attacks. Player 2 defends. A is the total value of all of Player 1’s attacking Units’ offense ratings. B is the total value of all of Player 2’s defensive ratings. Players’ losses are calculated according to these aggregate values. If: А = 15,000 Offense and B = 20,000 Defense, then Player 1 loses approximately 55% of Units. Player 2 loses 45% of Forces. These ratios may be subject to change

Lord Oberon,

first id like u to visit a page directed at u here here.

ill even sweeten the pot by explaining ur subject more :p

I went to your link, here's more  detailed instructions.

Apr 29, 2021, 08:2004/29/21

How is it possible that both the attacker and the defender can lose over 50% of their units?

Apr 29, 2021, 14:1704/29/21

How is it possible that both the attacker and the defender can lose over 50% of their units?

The battle mechanics of Raids vs Siege are different.

The siuation you describe i.e. both players losing >50% units cannot happen in raid battles - but can (and often do) happen in siege battles

Apr 30, 2021, 20:5604/30/21
Apr 30, 2021, 20:58(edited)

The battle mechanics of Raids vs Siege are different.

The siuation you describe i.e. both players losing >50% units cannot happen in raid battles - but can (and often do) happen in siege battles

Oberon is saying that you add the attacker and defender together and come up to a total power points to determine the outcome. 

So, your opponent’s percentage of the battle is not your loss? This would be the obvious calculation, right? If I make up 40% of the total I would lose 60% of my force? Raid/siege should matter not.  

However this is NOT true!!

Apr 30, 2021, 21:4504/30/21
May 1, 2021, 21:50(edited)

Oberon is saying that you add the attacker and defender together and come up to a total power points to determine the outcome. 

So, your opponent’s percentage of the battle is not your loss? This would be the obvious calculation, right? If I make up 40% of the total I would lose 60% of my force? Raid/siege should matter not.  

However this is NOT true!!

Battle Mechanics (highly simplified)

Raid example 1.

Offense 100k vs. Defense 100k .. Castle Def Bonus = 0

Total force on battlefield (Off + Def) = 200k

Off = 50% force -> inflicts 50% casulaties on Def

Def = 50% force -> inflicts 50% casualties on Off

Both sides lose ~50k each .. pvp points wise - honours even .. battle report gives victory to side with fewest units lost.

Raid example 2.

Off 300k vs. Def 100k ... Castle Def Bonus = 0

Total force = 400k (Off + Def)

Off = 75% force -> inflicts 75% casualties on Def

Def = 25% force -> inflicts 25% casualties on Off

Off loses 75k .. Def loses 75k .. again pvp points - honours even .. battle report gives victory to side with fewest units lost.

Raid example 3

Off 300k vs. Def 100k .. Castle Def Bonus = 10k = 100% bonus to Def

Total force = 500k (Off + (Def x 2))

Off = 60% force -> inflicts 60% casualties on Def

Def = 40% force -> inflicts 40% casualties on Off

Off loses 120k .. Def loses only 60k (not 120k).. why? because Castle Def Bonus gives extra strength but does not add to Def unit combat stats! - in other words it is still only 100k Def for pvp points calculation!

PvP-wise Off scores ~1.5k ... Def scores ~3k .. (pvp points-wise Def wins).. battle report will give victory to side with fewest unit losses.

Siege example

Unlike Raids - siege battles are determined by both relative force and relative numbers.

Off 100k  vs Def 100k .. castle def bonus = 0

Off is largely infantry .. Def is largely Bestiary

Assume Off = 600 units and Def = 200 units (it makes calculation easy for this example)

Raid mechanics assume 50/50 losses here - but relative numbers must also be taken into account for sieges in this case Off outnumbers Def 3 -1 .. this aproximates to ~8% offset

i.e. Off loses 46k (50k - 8%) .. Def loses 54k (50k + 8%)

PvP scores: Off = ~1.3k .. Def = ~1.1k ... (points wise Off wins)

Battle report gives victory to side with fewest unit losses (in this specific example - Def)

Mar 27, 2022, 13:4703/27/22

Ask the Emps how they properly calculated the Battle for beacon 754

1. Have inside intel - nope

2. test hit and calculate - nope didnt do that either

3. Spy and calculate - Impossible

4. If you didnt do items 1-3 succesfully then you just send troops at it and calculate the loss % - nope didnt even do that. 47 attacks and the very last attack, they were still loosing 99.9% of the attacking offense. They lost 1.375 million dragons alone, an estimated 250k USD to revive @75% off. 

Other: It was a great idea to have leaguemates send troops the day before with a pike to slow travel and target a specific time, problem was you cant stop the attacks when the player isnt around who launched the day before, you had to go all in and loose it all

But hey folks, the Emps have the fastest time doing the tower to 100, and a 10% bonus from achievements for troops. guess that helps while your being mismanaged.