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Hello! An old new player!

Hello! An old new player!

Jan 25, 2018, 15:4101/25/18

Hello! An old new player!

Hello all, apparently I have been around the Plarium realm for a bit, but it was only yesterday that I really started playing Age of War. Having lots of fun so far. I'm still squeeky new under my shield while I run around trying to learn everything. Just wanted to mosey on in and say howdy. I'm level 21 or 22. I'm in some random league which apparently is primarily in a spoken language that is not my own :) 

Anyway, nice to meet you all. Hope all is well, blah, blah, blah. 

Take care!
Jan 26, 2018, 14:2301/26/18

MommaGx3 said:

Hello all, apparently I have been around the Plarium realm for a bit, but it was only yesterday that I really started playing Age of War. Having lots of fun so far. I'm still squeeky new under my shield while I run around trying to learn everything. Just wanted to mosey on in and say howdy. I'm level 21 or 22. I'm in some random league which apparently is primarily in a spoken language that is not my own :) 

Anyway, nice to meet you all. Hope all is well, blah, blah, blah. 

Take care!

Hello, my Lady! 

Welcome to the game and Forum and nice to meet you too ;)

Feb 15, 2018, 09:0402/15/18

Hi !

Welcome to the forum and enjoy the game! For any issues please read if there was already debated the section and if it wasn't feel free to ask the community 

Best regards!
