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Rebels final insult

Rebels final insult

Jan 21, 2018, 12:5201/21/18

Rebels final insult

Mr Good Cat: At first, to express my dissent, I moved here to antogonise you blokes for what happened to Frenzie. Now I see your league has taken it a step further. It obviously wasn't enough to ruin the game for her. Now your league has perfromed the ultimate insult and shat in our face by placing her account in your corrupt league. I hope you guys don't beleive in karma coz if something aweful happens to one of you can bet that this is the reason.  Damn your league and everyone of you who has accepted what has happended and pretended it didn't. Cheats. 

Jan 21, 2018, 13:0401/21/18

delete the entire account of the game and the one who took possession of this account too !!

plarium react, you are responsible too !!

Jan 21, 2018, 13:2401/21/18

1st you are well aware of all that

2nd stupidity as you say we look at the tip of his nose first before speaking so

3rd here we speak openly without having to be unpleasant

4th talk about something you know right and not wrong

5th good game to you!

Jan 21, 2018, 13:3101/21/18
Spicy obviously ignore anything DJmoody says.  He/She posts for the sake of posting.  Have a look at his stats. 
Jan 21, 2018, 13:3201/21/18
Well technically that account has been rebels for some time now, maybe not in name but in deed, so this final move is just a formality
Jan 21, 2018, 13:3201/21/18
Sooooo .... is it more insulting than having that castle under siege by an Emps player or less insulting?  Just a few days ago it was under siege by Emps
Jan 21, 2018, 13:3301/21/18
Plariums version of Jerry Springer
Jan 21, 2018, 13:3801/21/18
Gallis.  You are right.  Just didn't think they would stoop that low.
Jan 21, 2018, 13:5201/21/18
Jan 21, 2018, 14:0101/21/18

DJMoody I am sorry mate but you argue, for the sake of arguing and everyone knows it.  You have admitted you don't give a fig and continue to sprook from the outisde of the bowl looking in.  You are not in the know on this.  The post was a way for me to express my disgust at what the Rebels have done and share it with the rest of the account holders that do give a fig. As far as I am concerned they are cheats.  The standards you walk past are the standards you accept. 

Jan 21, 2018, 14:0601/21/18
glenfisher43 said:

Spicy obviously ignore anything DJmoody says.  He/She posts for the sake of posting.  Have a look at his stats. 
You the sort of person that would pee on a electric fence ain't you?
Jan 21, 2018, 14:1201/21/18
GADHERAS not sure who you are directing that too but either it's funny
Jan 21, 2018, 14:1701/21/18
glenfisher43 said:

GADHERAS not sure who you are directing that too but either it's funny
When someone responds to a post you make, it should be obvious it was directed at you. Maybe you figure it out if you try read between the lines. 
Jan 21, 2018, 14:2301/21/18
okay my ambiguos freind.  like I said either way it was funny.  I have siad my peice.  Mr Good Cat out.  Rebels are Cheats.
Jan 21, 2018, 14:2701/21/18
glenfisher43 said:

okay my ambiguos freind.  like I said either way it was funny.  I have siad my peice.  Mr Good Cat out.  Rebels are Cheats.
You can argue the biggest cheat is the original account holder of why this drama did start and unfold in the first place. 
Jan 21, 2018, 17:4401/21/18
Glen , you should already know this forum belongs to professor moody and his sidekick , waste of time even posting 
Jan 21, 2018, 17:4501/21/18

Jez and Moddy telling it like it is! 

The blong comment requires further investigation lol, any detectives here? 

Jan 21, 2018, 17:4801/21/18

Oh wait let me re-word this for Crusher

crushie pooh

da blong cometn quire mo investogation lol, need da detective yo

Jan 21, 2018, 17:5701/21/18

Dear lords

i move this topic to tavern to continue your discussion there

good luck and regards
Jan 21, 2018, 17:5901/21/18

glenfisher43 said:

Mr Good Cat: At first, to express my dissent, I moved here to antogonise you blokes for what happened to Frenzie. Now I see your league has taken it a step further. It obviously wasn't enough to ruin the game for her. Now your league has perfromed the ultimate insult and shat in our face by placing her account in your corrupt league. I hope you guys don't beleive in karma coz if something aweful happens to one of you can bet that this is the reason.  Damn your league and everyone of you who has accepted what has happended and pretended it didn't. Cheats. 

These is  taking game  too far. Rebels are taking this game too far, to be honest, hacking then you have people like Mjoan spending over 50 000 $ on this badly plagiarized game. 

They have just sank to the lowest of the low