djmoody said:
I guess it's no fun to be involved in one sides fights.
On the flip side, players are simply playing the game that Plarium put in front of them. Virtually ever major player / league is looking for easy PvP targets to progress wisdom and troop XP. It's a logical response to current game mechanics, rather than anything personal.
It has resulted in a lot of fledgling players and leagues been smashed out of the game.
You have to have a certain amount of knowledge and experience to know what kind of armies are in the game. Problem is will people survive long enough to learn the lessons needed for survival. Feels like our "infant mortality rate" is way above 1 in 10.
Irony is that Les Indomptables themselves have arguably been bullied by major leagues themselves. There is always a bigger fish.
Yup, aint no fun at all. I have to look out for my littles who just started the game very recently; hence why I posted here. Bar our big differences of old, I very much respected Bacon8er of EB for one thing in particular - he always said "let the littles grow; they are the lifeline of this game".
Wise words in my opinion.
And, nope Djmoody. I beg to disagree. We all have a free choice in how we decide to play the game. Plarium game mechanics just provides the environment, yet we can decide for ourselves the rest. I had but one issue with the "mechanics" so to speak, but got shot down multiple times on other threads and shall not delve into that again.
Lastly, may I say that Les Indomptables from the marshall down has dealt with this particular issue rather honourably. Case closed.
Thank you OpieJax.