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Occupied Fiefs

Occupied Fiefs

Sep 30, 2017, 16:3009/30/17

Occupied Fiefs

Somehow somewhere along the way someone decided that attacking occupied fiefs isn't really attacking the occupier. That is complete rubbish. Fiefs generate gold and iron so why wouldn't the occupier take an attack upon his fief as an attack upon him/her. I mean I get the low level fiefs like a lvl 11 fief who cares about that but once you start attacking occupied fiefs over level 20 you are taking the risk that you'll come across someone like me and I will bomb the crap out of you. And not just you. Your behavior is a reflection on your league so if hostilities continue after I retaliate I'm going after your entire league. I don't care how powerful your league is I can be a major long term annoyance. Battles may be won with brute strength but wars are not.

Someone told me this was a game of war and they are right so don't think you can attack the fiefs of others and they won't retaliate. That is some kinda entitlement attitude to think that you can take away something someone else owns without paying a cost for doing so.
Sep 30, 2017, 17:3109/30/17
Sep 30, 2017, 17:33(edited)

nobody owns an inactive castle or bot

everyone needs to raid for resources

you can defend your fiefs if you choose to but they will be sought after for PVP if you do this

if you want to actually build and progress in the game raiding for resources will give you a lot more of the iron and gold you need than a fief will

if you "bomb" the crap out of me for raiding for resources then expect some type of retaliation for that ha ha

btw what server do you play on?  I am always up for some fun :))
Sep 30, 2017, 17:4709/30/17

Its always fun to poke a stick at someone who "care/cry" about their fifes. And if someone want to fireball me for attack a fife, lol. Thanks dude, you are spending money on me...

The entitlement attitude here is for someone to believe they got the rights to some other player's castle. Which fife's actually is. Who know maybe they get active again one day. 
Sep 30, 2017, 19:1709/30/17
Sep 30, 2017, 19:19(edited)

Jezebel said:

nobody owns an inactive castle or bot

everyone needs to raid for resources

you can defend your fiefs if you choose to but they will be sought after for PVP if you do this

if you want to actually build and progress in the game raiding for resources will give you a lot more of the iron and gold you need than a fief will

if you "bomb" the crap out of me for raiding for resources then expect some type of retaliation for that ha ha

btw what server do you play on?  I am always up for some fun :))

I have always defended my fiefs and I'm not afraid of becoming a major long term pain in your backside. I just think it is funny that people always seem surprised when I do. I've played this game a long time and if you think you can outlast me ..... well good luck with that. :)

Sep 30, 2017, 21:5009/30/17
Asatru13 said:

Jezebel said:

nobody owns an inactive castle or bot

everyone needs to raid for resources

you can defend your fiefs if you choose to but they will be sought after for PVP if you do this

if you want to actually build and progress in the game raiding for resources will give you a lot more of the iron and gold you need than a fief will

if you "bomb" the crap out of me for raiding for resources then expect some type of retaliation for that ha ha

btw what server do you play on?  I am always up for some fun :))

I have always defended my fiefs and I'm not afraid of becoming a major long term pain in your backside. I just think it is funny that people always seem surprised when I do. I've played this game a long time and if you think you can outlast me ..... well good luck with that. :)

2 years 9 months so far & I could use some amusement factor to the game - I am pretty sure I can manage :)
Oct 1, 2017, 03:0110/01/17
Asatru13 said:

Somehow somewhere along the way someone decided that attacking occupied fiefs isn't really attacking the occupier. That is complete rubbish. Fiefs generate gold and iron so why wouldn't the occupier take an attack upon his fief as an attack upon him/her. I mean I get the low level fiefs like a lvl 11 fief who cares about that but once you start attacking occupied fiefs over level 20 you are taking the risk that you'll come across someone like me and I will bomb the crap out of you. And not just you. Your behavior is a reflection on your league so if hostilities continue after I retaliate I'm going after your entire league. I don't care how powerful your league is I can be a major long term annoyance. Battles may be won with brute strength but wars are not.

Someone told me this was a game of war and they are right so don't think you can attack the fiefs of others and they won't retaliate. That is some kinda entitlement attitude to think that you can take away something someone else owns without paying a cost for doing so.

Oct 1, 2017, 05:0510/01/17
good luck holding your fiefs now :)
Oct 1, 2017, 09:0310/01/17
If you would raid instead of trying to hold fiefs while shaking your fist at people you might get your raid score into the positive.
Oct 1, 2017, 10:0010/01/17

Respect goes both ways.  If you want your sieges to be respected, don't siege peoples' raiding grounds.  

Oct 1, 2017, 11:0210/01/17

So when you broke my siege does that mean i need to FB you for breaking my siege?

Oct 1, 2017, 11:3410/01/17
Oct 1, 2017, 11:37(edited)

Stewart said:

So when you broke my siege does that mean i need to FB you for breaking my siege?

I have already done more damage to your league than you did to me. You're losing. More importantly this isn't my first dance with KT and your league already lost to me about 3 years ago when I was a lone wolf. You league members are likely to remind you of that and since you broke our truce that your league asked's on.

Oct 1, 2017, 11:3910/01/17
The difference between you and me I know how to play this game.
Oct 1, 2017, 12:2410/01/17

Asatru13 said:

Stewart said:

So when you broke my siege does that mean i need to FB you for breaking my siege?

I have already done more damage to your league than you did to me. You're losing. More importantly this isn't my first dance with KT and your league already lost to me about 3 years ago when I was a lone wolf. You league members are likely to remind you of that and since you broke our truce that your league asked's on.

It seems you are getting mixed up.

No truce im aware of.

In the heat of the FB throwing you accidentally sent a FB from your main account.

You have a 3 year history with KT, Thats before my time. Remind me again how long ago was that? 4 months maybe.

Oct 1, 2017, 13:3410/01/17
Clearly you are unaware of the truce but your older league members will remember I see a lot of names I remember sending raids at a few years back. No bother some people might need reminding anyway. This will give me a chance to help remind them. And sorry sparkey I know you are flush with alts but I closed my account a couple of years ago and had to start again from scratch. Unlike some I don't have to hide behind alts or cheat the game to beat the likes of you.
Oct 1, 2017, 13:3710/01/17
Asatru13 said:

Clearly you are unaware of the truce but your older league members will remember I see a lot of names I remember sending raids at a few years back. No bother some people might need reminding anyway. This will give me a chance to help remind them. And sorry sparkey I know you are flush with alts but I closed my account a couple of years ago and had to start again from scratch. Unlike some I don't have to hide behind alts or cheat the game to beat the likes of you.
You should try open the front door, go outside, experience real life for a bit, relax, take a brather, this is just a game you know.
Oct 1, 2017, 14:3610/01/17

Please, I plead that you leave him alone. 

A moderator might want to delete his coordinates. 

Guys please leave him alone. 

He is from FB, and is only fair that we treat him from that mindset. On FB it might be fair to hold castle hostage, and deny people right to raid. But things are different here. There are over 2 million castle. Some active, 99% not. 

I personally hold 3 fiefs, all are over level 75. There have never been raided. If you want to hold a fief, find one that is never raided and hold it. 

If you want active fiefs, find alt leagues and siege one. Most leagues in the top 10 have alt leagues, and they won't bother you if you siege those castle as you will be protecting their built .

Oct 1, 2017, 14:4110/01/17

A KT Captain should not be participating in these kind of bullying. I thought with the likes of DV scum gone from the KT, the KT would become Knights they once were. 

I am very disappointed in you. You should have taught him how the game works, and not participate in these kind of stupidity

Oct 1, 2017, 14:5610/01/17

Oracle said:

Please, I plead that you leave him alone. 

A moderator might want to delete his coordinates. 

Guys please leave him alone. 

He is from FB, and is only fair that we treat him from that mindset. On FB it might be fair to hold castle hostage, and deny people right to raid. But things are different here. There are over 2 million castle. Some active, 99% not. 

I personally hold 3 fiefs, all are over level 75. There have never been raided. If you want to hold a fief, find one that is never raided and hold it. 

If you want active fiefs, find alt leagues and siege one. Most leagues in the top 10 have alt leagues, and they won't bother you if you siege those castle as you will be protecting their built .

He said in his own words that he was from HERE 3 or so years ago.

I am originally from FB, does that mean i should be left alone?

He is like the small yappy dog who pretends he wants to fight while he is still on the leash and knows he will be held back.

hmmm, come on the forums warning everyone to not raid fiefs, beating on his chest, Someone calls him and nothing but hide and FB
Oct 1, 2017, 15:0110/01/17

Oracle said:

A KT Captain should not be participating in these kind of bullying. I thought with the likes of DV scum gone from the KT, the KT would become Knights they once were. 

I am very disappointed in you. You should have taught him how the game works, and not participate in these kind of stupidity

are you all there in the thinking department? Who the heck are you to say what i can or cant do. By his own words he is not a learner.

I am teaching him, run your mouth and someone will take you up on the offer.