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Dear Plarium.

Dear Plarium.

Sep 22, 2017, 20:5309/22/17

Dear Plarium.

I'm sorry I advertised for Red Cross. I will heed the warning and not suggest aiding humanity is a thing we should do :p

Sep 22, 2017, 21:3409/22/17

The new CM is cute. No one cares. 

If he is going to communicate, and comment with players here he must be willing to accept that players will reply back. 

Players talk here. And they relate stories. These is not Russian forum, players talk. Stick to copy and paste if you want to be left alone. Don't comment or repramand players in public, send them a PM then delete their post. 

In Russian forum you could do that. But here it's different, You comment someone comment back. 

If you don't want players to talk back then don't quote them. Leave them alone. You could edit the bad stuff out, but never sacrifice a forum thread because you don't agree with something.

Talking moderation decision to them in public is a bad Idea send them a PM. 

Sep 22, 2017, 21:4009/22/17

Oracle said:

The new CM is cute. No one cares. 

If he is going to communicate, and comment with players here he must be willing to accept that players will reply back. 

Players talk here. And they relate stories. These is not Russian forum, players talk. Stick to copy and paste if you want to be left alone. Don't comment or repramand players in public, send them a PM then delete their post. 

In Russian forum you could do that. But here it's different, You comment someone comment back. 

If you don't want players to talk back then don't quote them. Leave them alone. You could edit the bad stuff out, but never sacrifice a forum thread because you don't agree with something.

Talking moderation decision to them in public is a bad Idea send them a PM. 

CM's doesnt respond to private mails, you need to kick it up to Oberon if you want any progress in that regard. Thought you knew that. We both know what posts this about, and its sad the main purpose and idea got stomped down on because something that happened in another game was given as a example of something we could do in this game to aid people in need.

In think in regard of Plarium, charity start at home. Shame on us for propose something that would both benefit the community and give Plarium a reputation boost. 
Sep 23, 2017, 00:5209/23/17
Gadheras said:

Oracle said:

The new CM is cute. No one cares. 

If he is going to communicate, and comment with players here he must be willing to accept that players will reply back. 

Players talk here. And they relate stories. These is not Russian forum, players talk. Stick to copy and paste if you want to be left alone. Don't comment or repramand players in public, send them a PM then delete their post. 

In Russian forum you could do that. But here it's different, You comment someone comment back. 

If you don't want players to talk back then don't quote them. Leave them alone. You could edit the bad stuff out, but never sacrifice a forum thread because you don't agree with something.

Talking moderation decision to them in public is a bad Idea send them a PM. 

CM's doesnt respond to private mails, you need to kick it up to Oberon if you want any progress in that regard. Thought you knew that. We both know what posts this about, and its sad the main purpose and idea got stomped down on because something that happened in another game was given as a example of something we could do in this game to aid people in need.

In think in regard of Plarium, charity start at home. Shame on us for propose something that would both benefit the community and give Plarium a reputation boost. 
I respond to private mails, unless your english is so bad I can't tell what you're trying to say :P
Sep 23, 2017, 05:1309/23/17
BiohazarD said:

Gadheras said:

Oracle said:

The new CM is cute. No one cares. 

If he is going to communicate, and comment with players here he must be willing to accept that players will reply back. 

Players talk here. And they relate stories. These is not Russian forum, players talk. Stick to copy and paste if you want to be left alone. Don't comment or repramand players in public, send them a PM then delete their post. 

In Russian forum you could do that. But here it's different, You comment someone comment back. 

If you don't want players to talk back then don't quote them. Leave them alone. You could edit the bad stuff out, but never sacrifice a forum thread because you don't agree with something.

Talking moderation decision to them in public is a bad Idea send them a PM. 

CM's doesnt respond to private mails, you need to kick it up to Oberon if you want any progress in that regard. Thought you knew that. We both know what posts this about, and its sad the main purpose and idea got stomped down on because something that happened in another game was given as a example of something we could do in this game to aid people in need.

In think in regard of Plarium, charity start at home. Shame on us for propose something that would both benefit the community and give Plarium a reputation boost. 
I respond to private mails, unless your english is so bad I can't tell what you're trying to say :P
Yeah, but a forum mod, and a CM is two different things right?
Sep 23, 2017, 08:2909/23/17
Sep 23, 2017, 08:34(edited)

alyona used to argue with me in PM. 

we went back and forth on several things after she deleted my posts... then restored them ;)

here is a segment of my half of a conversation with Alyona.... forum rules dictate i cant share her responses, but we had a conversation on in this subject and many others. WHile i hated her copy and past airplane noises answers onthe forum, she atleast would communicate. 

17 June, 2016, 08:45 PM UTC

IronApex Turok

you guys are fighting against angry players. moderators should not be speaking with players. the forum should be an open discussion of the game between players.

the moment moderators, or anyone working for plarium speak it gives a channel for people to complain. and complain they will.

if you want the complaining to stop on the forum.....take the face of plarium away and let the players talk and help each other.

Sep 23, 2017, 10:3609/23/17

CM do PM. Although Alyona and that green guy in a suite don't do that at all times as their duties are not always bound in the forum. 

Alyona open her PM at times, like  when she has to higher a mod, or want to talk to a player about something. But at times she keep her PM closed. 

Other CM do PM with players. 

When a CM shut down a thread because a player didn't follow a certain rule. that send a bad message especially when you consider how dead the forum is. However good he wanted to portray his intention, He should close threads. Allow a civil, free platform for communication, is hiss primary duties, not closing thread. If you feel like a thread is going off topic, dump it in a forum and let the players discuss there. The forums is very OLD. all topics have been discussed, so they are bound to say something out of game, or discuss the meta game more. There is no way to expect players to discuss about raiding, or sending spies. 

When a player include a rule breaking point in his post, or thread, edit it out. I used to even edit pics. There is no need to close a thread. There is an edit button. 

he could have editted Gad thread, and deleted my post and PM us telling us that. We are willing to work with him, but he must stop working against us. 

Sep 23, 2017, 10:4909/23/17
Sep 23, 2017, 10:49(edited)

Three thread closed within 2 hrs. Very sad. 

2 were closed for not breaking any rules. And 1 could be fixed, but it was closed anyways. 

The Mod and CM who did these had never initiated a discussion thread or started a topic in years. They just enjoy making the forum more dead. 

And who do I blame for these. Turok for taking away Thomas from us, these kind of behaviour would never happen IF Thomas was here as a Mod. He understood that we need an active forum. 
Sep 23, 2017, 18:4409/23/17

djmoody said:

I am not sure which thread we are talking about.

But in general I would like to think we could share our views. Within reasons put on a bit of pressure to do 'the right thing' here and there.

I think all too often the attitude of Plarium is that they are the only stakeholder in the game. Clearly the guys running it were taking the short term view of maximising profit to make the most money for them in a sale. Well they got what they wanted and they are all multi-millionaires.

But us customers are stakeholders too. The relationship should be symbiotic not exploitative. Big corporates can do a lot to make the world a better place and if they don't and continue to operate only to create wealth for a tiny minority then we will end up living in the bleak dystopian futures laid out so often in science fiction.

So a little bit of open free speech would be a good start. If that were to escalate to some good deeds - amazing.

It was in the "Irma" thread. Where some guy was asking for reinbursement etc because he was affected by the hurricane. Later in the thread I used what was done in another game as example, that it would been better if we did like a fund raiser and donated to like Red Cross through Plarium. Like, we would buy sapphires and donate back to Plarium and they would take the funds and give to Red Cross. It would be goodwill by the players and actually free advertisement and goodwill by Plarium as well. 

It would be better to actually aid in real life than someones pixels on the screen, because every day all over the world some shit happend that might affect your gaming experience online. If you get caught up in a hurricane, run over by a bus, a landslide take your house whatever. A company such as Plarium or any other gaming company cant just start reinburse players for events happen to them in rl. 

But rather than moderate the post and remove what they didnt like. They just removed the entire thing and got a warning for advertising for another game, when in reality the biggest advertisement was for RED CROSS. And shooting down the idea that aiding humanity was a good thing. Charity start at home for Plarium :p

Sep 23, 2017, 19:0009/23/17

Dear Lords

i see the thread off topic in this section of forum

u can continue discussing this on tavern
