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thanks plarium ! happy new year ! global warming ???thanks plarium ! happy new year ! global warming ???

Get Stormfall: Age Of War

thanks plarium ! happy new year ! global warming ???

Jan 1, 2020, 00:0501/01/20

thanks plarium ! happy new year ! global warming ???

first i would like to say a happy new year to everyone...

over the 5,6 years iv been playing this game i got to know many good players who im happy to call friends...

happy new year to everyone...friends or enemies...without which i couldn't have had this amazing fun time.. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE

im in Azerbaijan for new year..very good fireworks and fun experiences ..

is it just me or everyone else noticed too ? 

no snow this year in stormfall map :D ? a friend pointed out that this might be due to global warming or might even be due to fires of so many castles being under siege :D ?

last i would like to say a thank u to not only to people actively seen in plarium community namely ,CMs and adminstrators but also to game developers and people who work behind the scenes to make this game more fun for us... i know we always complain and stuff, but this time of the year i just couldn't ignore the effort u guys put in for us

thank u Plarium

im happy for all this amazing encounters iv had over the years here in stormfall

happy new year and drive hybrids and stuff :D
