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Coiners ? stop complaining about them pls. im tired of it

Coiners ? stop complaining about them pls. im tired of it

Jan 23, 2019, 23:5501/23/19

Coiners ? stop complaining about them pls. im tired of it

i saw in many posts people talkin about coiners being elderly people who spend their pension checks or in some insulting them indirectly or directly . first : its so rude of some people to insult our dear seniors who should always be respected,if they spend any money in the game its their choice and is of concern to no one . as long as someone can make a decision its rude to tell why theyr spending their pension money ! u dnt like people coining at all ? ok ,if no one buys anything why would a game go on ? i get it there are some people who spend alot and some are worried about balance of the game,but we all are adults ,there is no need to insult someone ! i myself enjoy watching people talk rationally ,thats why whenever i see a post of Jezebel or Djmoody i like to read em ! 

iv seen it when some try to elicit a response from Devs or community managers by being rude directly or indirectly ,what is wrong with u ? iv seen it people in gathering beig called old fat ,only theyr the ones meeting each other, why would someone say that ? some spend on beers ,some buy a bike which some others might find waste of money ,some might buy a ticket for an opera or even a cinema which yet again others laugh at ! its Trump's presidency all over again ! some saying anyone who voted for him ,we r disappointed in u ,why ? is that because u think he is not ok or ultimately u dnt like him ? well its their choice ,thats what democracy is ! 
i get it ,some are annoyed with plarium thinking watever is done is for money ,ok ! if u think that u can always debate,there is no need to insult anyone.iv seen some are insulted for incomplete use of language,like missing a few letters or sth like that ,well language is for communicating and as long as u understand there is no need to look down on someone..
summin it up ,whenever u wanna say something pls dnt insult someone,when u try and indirectly say something that can be denied if debated on it dsnt mean ur so smart no one can catch u,its because theyr sick of sth like that and just dnt wanna talk about it..
thanks for ur time players

Jan 24, 2019, 08:5501/24/19
Hi there Lord Fury, try not to allow the insults affect you personally if you can, if they say profanities and are too negative on this forum they get warnings and or a temporary ban from us MODS, if you are getting this in ingame messages then just blacklist them, if it wasn't for all coiners in this game we would'nt have a game to play so I say thankyou to all players in this game and all coiners be proud for coining, there is nothing wrong with it in any game you enjoy playing or anything in life that you enjoy doing, this game like all online games to me are like living cartoons, we get to write our own stories with this game. 
Jan 24, 2019, 10:3501/24/19
Christine Hare said:

Hi there Lord Fury, try not to allow the insults affect you personally if you can, if they say profanities and are too negative on this forum they get warnings and or a temporary ban from us MODS, if you are getting this in ingame messages then just blacklist them, if it wasn't for all coiners in this game we would'nt have a game to play so I say thankyou to all players in this game and all coiners be proud for coining, there is nothing wrong with it in any game you enjoy playing or anything in life that you enjoy doing, this game like all online games to me are like living cartoons, we get to write our own stories with this game. 

Jan 24, 2019, 10:4701/24/19

this is not about me ,i just said what iv been seeing . to me ,it seems like some people are just bored with the game and trying to make others quit too ! anyone have a problem ? sure discuss it rationally , say what u wanna say like many others ,theres no need to try and be mean to others . there were problems with plarium ,i could say alot ,but we should be fair , plarium is working hard on improving the game ,not only that they even applied some of our suggestions like inactive league settings and limit force to beacons ( which was voted on ) . personally id like to thank plarium ! and one last thing .trying to be mean to others just to get back to plarium is not fair too..
a friend of mine always says : say what u mean , but dnt say it mean .... 

Jan 26, 2019, 02:2801/26/19

I completely agree with you Mate ! 

No kind of envy is good  and not all Coiners are the bullies many make them out to be. 

Most are not  

But if you disrespect them in game and end up in a pinch that's just a education that needs to be taught.

But the negativity is what players really don't need. 

Nov 30, 2019, 23:5111/30/19