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You know...

You know...

Oct 29, 2018, 09:0210/29/18

You know...

With all the spam on keto, protin shakes, diets and stuff.....

Someone might be think you all obese!

Maybe your filters should start include some of these words used by the spammers?

Oct 29, 2018, 11:3310/29/18

Gadheras said:

With all the spam on keto, protin shakes, diets and stuff.....

Someone might be think you all obese!

Maybe your filters should start include some of these words used by the spammers?

Yep....I saw, closed and deleted some of them....I'm sure Plarium forum devs are trying to protect forums as good as they can but spammers have so many ways to break the rules 

Best regards!

Oct 29, 2018, 12:3210/29/18

yep we all are doing what we are able till the devs will fix the spam

soon they will so till now i move this post ot tavern as here is out of topic

Oct 29, 2018, 12:4910/29/18
I'm a happy customer :).
Oct 29, 2018, 13:1710/29/18

Juglar del Viento said:

yep we all are doing what we are able till the devs will fix the spam

soon they will so till now i move this post ot tavern as here is out of topic


Its rather easy to fix if they already got a filter in place... just add the words commonly used in these spam posts, its not like we are discussing keto diets and stuff on this forum :p

Oct 29, 2018, 23:0810/29/18
I delete atleast 3-8 of those spams every time off the forum, just some advice though to any new players visiting the forum for a read, do not click on any of those links in those spam posts, us Mods get rid of them fast everytime we login to check the forum but ofcourse it is not instant all of the time
Oct 30, 2018, 01:4010/30/18
maybe its a hint for us to walk away from the computer and go outside!!  lol
Oct 30, 2018, 08:0710/30/18


maybe its a hint for us to walk away from the computer and go outside!!  lol

that would mean I had to stop play the games I actually play :p

Oct 30, 2018, 11:2910/30/18
Sir Dan Saul Knight said:

I will provide this piece of advice again.

The forum I set up for KoK came under attack from spam bots. It had the visual protection similar to here but not quite as sophisticated. That did not stop the bots. 

Researched on the internet and found the following that killed the bots stone dead.

I added a drop down menu on the log in page. The default setting was "No League". The other options were the names of the leagues and sub leagues in KoK. The user was to pick the appropriate option from the drop down.

The "No League" options refuses to move on to opening an account.

All the bots merrily choose the default option and get nowhere.

Plarium have an added advantage. They could ask you to add your server and only let you activate the forum account if pick you actually server from the drop down list.

True the in-game bots selling items will get around this as they can easily program in which server the account was created to their routines. But the vast array of forum bots that post all over the interest won't have a clue about any specifics to Plarium games.

If they got a censor filter, of sorts. It should just be a matter of add certain words and phrases to it, that could kill the posts as well. Majority of these spam posts contain words and phrases the players here would never bring up or discuss. There is other means to avoid spam too, such as validation of email address required to even be able to post in the first place.