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The Curse of Cadbury Castle  : Halloween contest

The Curse of Cadbury Castle : Halloween contest

May 12, 2018, 06:5405/12/18

The Curse of Cadbury Castle : Halloween contest

[In a smokey tavern where adventurers and commoners alike gather for tasty beverages a man with a grey beard walks in with a lute : a few heads turn as he enters and the barkeep recognizes him nodding politely] 

[After setting himself up in a corner he begins to play his lute and sings of a tale from long ago one stormy Halloween night 

in the Fiefdom of Cadbury] 

[Strums the lute and sings in tune running his finger along the lute with precision the tone rising and lowering with each verse] 

Twas long ago a Hero came many were slain that stormy night in Cadbury Fief , 

The undead raised and magic blazed as they battled that night from long ago ,  ......[runs a finger across the lute] 

Many were slain they cried in pain bones were broke in blood the ground did soak , ....[strums] [strums] 

Till one remained Torgoth was his name with his mighty Arbalester he did take aim ..... [strums slowly]

Striking true his bolt flew striking the leader of the blood seekers ....[runs a finger accross the lute twice] 

Lightning crackled across the sky as rivers of blue turned to a red hue that fateful night in Cadbury Fief ....[runs finger very slowly accross the lute]

The vampires knew the soldiers were few left all but one who's Arbalester weighed a ton  , 

Torgoth waved his fist and did not resist killing them one by one but they numbered a ton [tone lowers] , [strums]

when from the mist did he hear a hiss the priestess Vriss ...he swung around but fell to the ground ! , 

She pounced upon him her stench was rotten as vampires circled around Torgoth on the Ground , [quick strumming to slow] 

In the guttural tongue there was magic done as vampires feasted upon ....Torgoths End had Come .....[slow strumming]

And to this day where the castle laid and  Halloween does come ....some  may run ...some may come .......[strums three times] . 

When darkness falls and the midnight hour calls his spirit can be seen by those who dare venture the Cadbury Castle Scene .....[strums once]

Arbalester in hand remaining on guard a true hero says this bard ! ...[high pitched strum into a flowing deep tone] 

[the tavern was silent and a single gold coin hit the ground : and the crowd]

//: Ill leave the rest up to "The Crowd" 


-Many Names one stays the same 

kk peace all . 

May 15, 2018, 10:5205/15/18

My Lord, thanks for coming to our Forum and sharing this amazing story    

Are you a writer?

Jun 7, 2018, 17:2306/07/18
Great story
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